Title: Appleby Arrows vs. Kenmare Kestrels
Date: 31 August, 1998
Time of Day: afternoon
Characters: George Weasley, Verity Thruston
Location: Bodmin Moor, Cornwall
Status: Public/DND
Summary: George and Verity attempt normalcy.
Match Day Madness )
Comments 6
She picked up the blue apple and lifted an eyebrow curiously. "What on earth is all this stuff?"
With a bit of magic, George managed to shrink the remaining paraphernalia until it all fit neatly in his breast pocket. His own lunch, he kept close at hand, "Shall we?" offering her his free hand.
They left her flat and headed toward the Apparition point. "The store is going to be really great," Verity said before the silence could dwell too long. "I think profits are going to skyrocket."
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