Title: Hospital Date: September 14th, 1998 Time of Day: 10 am Place: St Nigel's Hospital/Spain Status: Semi-public/DND Summary: Charlie wakes up in hospital Completion: Incomplete
"Merlin Charlie..." Percy muttered, taking a seat in on of the adjacent chairs as his attention was drawn once more to his brother. He barely surpressed a wince at the comments of the wall and Fred, a frown settling on his lips. "Did he receive any head injuries?" he asked, glancing now to the doctor who he had been nearly shouting at a moment before. The young man shook his head, pulling out Charlie's chart to flip through.
"No, he was given very potent potions that are most likely warping his sensibilities." The doctor said. "The potions are quite necessary-" he added quickly at Percy's glare. "- and the effects are temporary, I assure you. We also believe some of the bat venom may still be working it's way through his system, but I promise you he will recover quite well given time. The man has a remarkable fortitude, most people would be much worse then he under the circumstances."
Percy relented with a nod, turning back to Patricia. "It is probably better my mother not find out until he's better. She has too much on her mind to begin with." he said, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing before glancing to the girl again. "Are you alright? And thank you for contacting me and staying here with him. He's a complete oaf sometimes, I know, but he's really- well, a wonderful person." he finished awkwardly, adjusting his glasses as he risked a glance at his brother.
"No, he was given very potent potions that are most likely warping his sensibilities." The doctor said. "The potions are quite necessary-" he added quickly at Percy's glare. "- and the effects are temporary, I assure you. We also believe some of the bat venom may still be working it's way through his system, but I promise you he will recover quite well given time. The man has a remarkable fortitude, most people would be much worse then he under the circumstances."
Percy relented with a nod, turning back to Patricia. "It is probably better my mother not find out until he's better. She has too much on her mind to begin with." he said, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing before glancing to the girl again. "Are you alright? And thank you for contacting me and staying here with him. He's a complete oaf sometimes, I know, but he's really- well, a wonderful person." he finished awkwardly, adjusting his glasses as he risked a glance at his brother.
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