Title: Centaurs and Other Creatures Date: September 13th, 1998 Time of Day: 9:00am Place: The Ministry/Spain Status: Private Summary: Charlie accompanies Patricia to Spain Completion: Complete
The man was an oddity. He was absolutely nothing like Percy. Percy was refined, and professional, and well spoken. Charles Weasley was...not. She tried not to be offended at the idea that he was comparing her to one of those monkey frog hybrids with pustilles, or pusteles, or whatever he had called them. Of course he was only calling her green, but still. She'd never known a man to stammer that much. She also never knew anyone who seemed to get so excited over magical creatures, especially ones that sounded as horrid as a Clabbert. When he came out and dumped the bag onto the bench next to her, she ignored his icy attitude and dug into the bag for a sandwich. She was hungry, after all, and she knew it wouldn't benefit her to go into this meeting with the centaurs on an empty stomach.
They ate in silence and Patricia pretended to read the parchment still resting on her lap. When she finished, she dumped the wrapped in the small rubbish bin resting next to the bench and shut the file in her lap. She stood abruptly. "We should check in," Patricia replied. Charlie glanced at her and cocked an eyebrow, still chewing his food. Patricia gave a small sigh. "I suppose we can wait until you're finished."
They ate in silence and Patricia pretended to read the parchment still resting on her lap. When she finished, she dumped the wrapped in the small rubbish bin resting next to the bench and shut the file in her lap. She stood abruptly. "We should check in," Patricia replied. Charlie glanced at her and cocked an eyebrow, still chewing his food. Patricia gave a small sigh. "I suppose we can wait until you're finished."
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