Title: News and offers
Date: 08/31/1998
Time of Day: 10:00 PM
Characters: Charlie Weasley, George Weasley
Location: George's place
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Charlie has something to tell George.
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
Charlie's skin color was still fluctuating from olive green to pale gray )
Comments 29
Before Charlie could reach for the knob, the door swung open of it's own accord and the greeting mat seemed more to push Charlie inside than welcome him. George, for his part, sat at Fred's old desk, leaning on the table top and not at all looking stable on the bench seat. He'd been there since saying goodbye to Verity forty minutes ago, still as a petrified frog, except for where he continued to grind his wand tip into his right eye socket.
"How's it going, gimp?" George greeted, giving Charlie a weary smile. "Take a load off."
"Hey," said Charlie, sitting rather hurriedly on the nearest chair. Apparating had made him quite dizzy, and he realized that he had not completely recovered from that stupid treatment. "I'm fine, thanks," he replied, though his pale face probably said otherwise. He didn't really mind George knowing that he'd just spent the night at St Mungo's, but he didn't feel that it was absolutely necessary to mention it, either. George would probably just make fun of him, unable to escape a Healer.
He observed his little brother, sitting at his desk and thought he looked rather tired. "You're okay? You look like you haven't slept in years..."
Turning toward the desk and grabbing a Quick-Spell Quill, George made a small scribble on a scrap of paper and tore it from the rest of the parchment, stuffing the note in his pants' pocket. When he regarded Charlie again, it was only to take in the equally sunken eyes and poor pallor, "You know, you look like dragon dung."
"And thanks very much for saying I look like dragon dung. My ego definitely needed a boost!" he added, chuckling. "But yeah, I suppose you're right. I feel like a pile of Bundimuns, to be honest. I was at St Mungo's for a stupid medical examination, and that cursed Healer forced me to take a treatment for a Runespoor bite I'd had for months. You'd think I'd know by now, if it had been that dangerous. Seriously..." He shook his head.
"Anyway, I think I could use a glass of something. You got water for your older bro?"
"So they treated you for an old wound that wasn't bothering you... and left you with a bandaged arm and color-changing flesh? Sounds like St. Mungo's could use something to entertain themselves with other than torturing their patients."
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