Title: Owl to Luna
Date: 20 August 1998
Time of Day: 8 pm
Characters: Fleur Weasley, Luna Lovegood
Location: Sent from Shell Cottage
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Fleur replies to Luna
Completion: Complete
Dear Luna,
Thank you for your letter. I am glad that you tried the lotion and that it worked good. I say again that if you need that I give you advice for that, you can ask it to me. Everybody can not be beautiful, but is very important to take care of how you look anyway. I tried to say that to Ginny also, but she does not like a lot to listen to me. I miss my little sister Gabrielle sometimes, she always listens to me when I give to her advice.
I am sorry that your father is not feeling very good. The war has not been easy for the families, and it will take long time to recover, but I am sure that your father will be fine eventually. If there is something Bill and I can do for help, you can ask to us also.
I am glad that your friends are going back to Hogwarts with you. If you see Dean, say him that Bill and I say hello.
Be careful about the Kneazle, however: it can leave lots of hairs on your clothes sometimes, and it is very hard to remove them.