Title: Closing Up Shop
Date: August 4th, 1998
Time of Day: 9:52 pm
Characters: Percy Weasley, Verity Thruston
Location: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Diagon Alley
Status: Semi-Public
Brief Summary: Percy comes around looking for George
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
Thankfully it was nearly closing time... )
Comments 19
Verity shifted the dirty rag to her other hand and gripped his palm with her own, offering a brief shake. He didn't look as bad as George and Fred made him out to be, but then again Percy did have a sort of stiffness to him that Fred once attributed to a "wand" permanently shoved up his arse.
"I'm Verity," she said, releasing his hand and tilting her head to the side, unable to stop studying him. "He's not here at the moment, but the stairs to his flat is just out the door to the left, however I don't believe he's home either."
Percy was about to make his exit when the realization hit him - he was a stubborn, intrusive Weasley as well. He could certainly brave this shop for a while longer, even if it was a manifestation of the twin's continuous harassment that often left him ready to hex both their heads off. Percy straightened himself, adjusting his tie and turning resolutely to Verity.
"Is it possible he'll come by later? I have no pressing engagements and can certainly wait." Percy said in business-like manner.
Percy was glancing around, his eyes curious as he clasped his hands behind his back and walked to the display of love potions. Verity heard him chuckle under his breath and she rounded the counter to join him. "Only sixteen sickles and twenty five knuts if you're interested." She picked up a small tube of pink liquid and smiled at him. "This one is pretty good. They conjured it up last summer. I think they were a bit disappointed you weren't around for them to slip it into your tea."
"I remember these. They spiked my tea with it the morning of my interview at the Ministry. I had to go in with hair that changed colors every five minutes." Percy said wryly.
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