Title: The Doll Shop
byond_redemptnRating: PG-13 (swearing)
Disclaimer: Frank Iero and Gerard Way are, unfortunately, not mine.
xmychemx << Thank you so much
Summary:Frank has been an outcast ever since he started high-school. No matter how many times he tried to make friends he was laughed at and told to get lost. When a piece of paper is slipped into his locker, he expects it to be another threat, but finds it to be something totally unexpected, something that would change is life forever. Instructions to The Doll Shop.
A/N: Please forgive me?!
Previous Chapters:
One ||
Two ||
Three ||
Four ||
Five ||
Six ||
Seven ||
Eight ||
Nine ||
Ten ||
Ten.Point.Five ||
Eleven ||
Twelve ||
“We should, uh, probably, mmm, go inside.”
Gerard laughed against Frank’s neck.
“Mmm, you’re right,” he whispered.
The pale Doll tilted his head slightly to claim Frank’s lips again. The cold autumn air nipped at their fingers as they stood on the small boy’s doorstep while the fading light and the tall hedge hid them from prying eyes.
Gerard’s lithe hands cradled Frank’s face as his thumbs gently brushed along his cheekbones. His lips littered kisses down on his owner’s face - tentative kisses on the boy’s eyelids, cheeks, forehead and the occasional kiss on Frank’s swollen lips.
Frank couldn’t be happier.
He sighed as a harsh gust of wind made its way beneath his coat, biting harshly at his skin.
He pulled back slightly from the taller boy’s warm embrace.
“We should really go inside now,” he whispered, a violent shiver accenting his need.
“Oh, crap Frankie, of course.”
The concerned Doll took the keys from Frank’s frozen fingers and unlocked the front door.
“Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”
The pale boy ran in front of Frank into the house. Rushing into the lounge, he returned quickly with one of the throw-blankets.
Wrapping it around the small boy, he led him towards the stairs, cooing into his ear as he rubbed the trembling boy’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as they walked into Frank’s room.
Frank toed off his shoes and turned to the Doll.
The taller boy blushed.
“’Cause it was my fault you became so cold.”
Frank walked over to the blushing Doll and pulled him close so that they were both wrapped beneath the blanket.
“I wouldn’t say that it was your fault. I was actually pretty warm. Being close to you, and of course your kisses do that to me too,” he said, burying his face in the Doll’s neck.
Gerard shuddered as the boy’s warm breath ghosted across his skin. Wrapping his arms around the Frank’s waist, he dropped a small kiss into his hair.
“Just like what you do to me.”
Frank pulled back to stare into the Doll’s face.
“Do I?”
Gerard smiled down at the confused boy.
“Yes, it’s another way to show the connection between a Doll and its owner,” he explained, “only your touch can warm my skin.” He paused. “Well, only your touch when it’s in comfort or anything like that, not when it’s in violence.”
Frank blushed and pulled away.
“I would never hurt you Bumble-Bee,” he whispered.
The Doll shrugged. “I know you wouldn’t. I just thought I should let you know.”
Frank nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression causing his brows to furrow.
“I guess that makes sense,” he said, “I mean, you are my Doll, and it would be stupid if someone else could make you feel like that, don’t you think? Well, maybe not. I mean, what happens if say, well not that it would happen, maybe, but if you were to fall in love with someone else. Would their touch warm you like mine does?” He chewed thoughtfully on his lip ring as he looked at Gerard. “No, that wouldn’t happen. You just said that only my touch could warm you.” He blushed. “Sorry.”
The Doll smiled affectionately at the small boy.
“It’s okay. You’re allowed to ask questions.”
Frank tilted his head as he thought about the Gerard’s response.
“Well okay then. What would happen say, if a Doll did fall in love with their owner, does that happen often?”
The pale Doll smirked at the slightly blushing boy.
“I think you know the answer to that already Frankie.”
Frank’s eyes widened.
“You, you love me?”
Gerard nodded his head slowly.
The small boy’s mouth fell open in shock.
“I, uh, woah, I didn’t, I mean, I love you too, I just didn’t think…” his voice trailed off.
“Didn’t think what Frankie?” the Doll pressed.
Frank blushed again.
“Nothing,” he whispered.
The Doll frowned.
The boy shook his head.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry.”
Frank turned and walked towards the wardrobe, face twisted in thought.
“I feel like going to bed,” he called to Gerard from the small room. “I’m not hungry, and we have to get up pretty early tomorrow.”
He walked back into the main bedroom, pulling a faded red shirt over his head.
“Does that sound okay to you?” he questioned.
Gerard started at the abrupt change in conversation.
He took in Frank’s slightly shivering body as he wrapped himself in the blanket again and the dark circles beneath his eyes.
“No, that sounds good to me, I’m pretty exhausted myself.”
Frank nodded and crawled over his bed. Pulling the doona over himself, he shivered as the cold sheets connected with his skin.
The Doll watched with a small smile on his lips as he wriggled around, trying to warm up the sheets.
“Bumble- Bee!” the small boy whined.
“Yes Frankie?”
“Hurry the fuck up and get changed so you can warm me up,” he demanded.
Gerard laughed as Frank blushed furiously at his own words.
“I uh, wait that’s not what I meant!” he protested.
The Doll shook his head as laughter continued to bubble from his lips.
“Its fine Frankie, I know what you meant.” He picked up his bag and pulled his pajamas free, the occasional fit of laughter consuming him as he changed in the wardrobe.
Frank pouted and buried himself beneath the blankets.
After turning out the light, Gerard jumped into the bed and curled himself around the other occupant. His head came to rest on the boy’s shoulder as his fingers traced patterns on the exposed skin of his stomach.
Frank hummed in contentment.
“This is nice,” he whispered, “you’re so warm.”
Gerard smiled. “I’ve had lots of contact with my owner today, lots of intimate contact. You can thank him.”
Frank squirmed in embarrassment.
“You’re not funny Bumble-Bee.”
“I wasn’t trying to be Frankie.” He tilted his head so that he could watch Frank’s face. “I just wanted to point that out and bring to your attention that I’m not complaining.”
Hazel eyes softened.
The pale boy laughed quietly.
“You can be so adorable sometimes Frankie.”
“Hey! Don’t tell everyone else, it’ll ruin my reputation,” Frank protested.
Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank’s waist and pulled himself closer.
“It’s okay Frankie, your secret is safe with me.”
Frank titled Gerard’s face towards his again and gently pressed their lips together.
“I know.”
Gerard blushed.
“Now to sleep!” Frank exclaimed, “tomorrow is going to be an adventure all in itself and we need all the energy we can get.”
Kissing the top of the boy’s head resting on his chest, Frank prayed to whatever god or deity that watched over them that tomorrow wouldn’t be as bad as it normally was.
He prayed that tomorrow would be better. “It has to be,” he prayed, “I’ve finally found someone I love.”
Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to be lulled into sleep by the gentle caress of Gerard’s fingers over his stomach and the Doll’s even breath.
“Please,” he begged before he slipped into a dreamless sleep
Hello loves.
I'm sorry this took me so long, i plan to start posting regularly again from now on, holidays for some reason seem to put me out of any kind of schedule.
*is nervous*
okay, so i want you to truthfully let me know what you think.
I'm sorry this is taking so long, i swear, things are going to happen next chapter and a lot of things after that. I just have to get a feel for things, yes i know what you're thinking, it's chapter fourteen, how is it you haven't gotten a feel for things?
*blushes* well i'm weird like that.
I hope i haven't lost anyone.
Next Chapter:.