So a day or so ago,
my wife discovers something that really pissed her off...her artwork, used without permission, in a Facebook RPG,
So, being the industrious sort she is, she realizes that it's not just her. There's maaaaany artists who have been ripped off by Hammerfall. So they start going through the artwork. And emailing each other.
Okay, so here's the thing...nothing, and I mean NOTHING is as fierce as a bunch of artists who realize you've been stealing their work. So they start pointing it out to Hammerfall.
Hammerfall starts trying to bullshit them about it. The money quote:We have addressed this, we're not stupid here, all the art we used is either under creative commons license or similar, or we contacted the artists for permission, or was bought off of stock photography sites. If an artist thinks this isn't the case, please send us a message.
Oh Dennis, I beg to differ, you are stupid, and no, you in fact did not get permission for it all, nor was it creative commons/similar, nor did you contact all the artists for permission, etc.
See, here's the thing...that whole "my wife discovers something that really pissed her off...." thing? And your claim that you have the right to all the artwork you're using?
No You Don't Have Permission For It All Dumbass Now, maybe someone lied to you. Maybe you were mislead. But you have a community that holds a grudge for a long time, is really persnickety about their IP, contains quite a few of the artists worth paying for RPG art, and you're trying to bullshit them?
Does the phrase "Burning your bridges" mean anything?
So yeah, if y'all want to have some fun, let Mr. Kimbell know that artists aren't stupid, and they know who they license shit to.