Act your age, mama, not your shoe size!

Jul 08, 2009 19:42

I hardly get angry and annoyed, especially towards someone I barely even know but you're definitely an exception. I honestly don't care who you are or whoever it is you're supposed to be but you should seriously stop acting like an overgrown child and start thinking using your God-given brain.

You started this issue (because you just can't help yourself from poking your nose into someone else's business) and now when the situation has turned into quite a fuss, you're trying to turn the table over and make it seem as if someone else has done the wrong. It annoys me so much because out of all things, I do not handle stupidity. What kind of response were you expecting after you foolishly made that ignorant remark of yours? You think we'd just take it and bow down to your say? You're so used to people agreeing sucking up to you that when someone actually stood up and retaliated, you regard that person as rude and presumptuous.

You want to talk about professionalism and etiquette? Why don't you take a good look at yourself first before trying to moralize someone else? Professionals show self-respect; for oneself and towards others too. They have a clear sense of limits and rights so they'd know better than to meddle in others' affairs or criticize where they have neither rights nor expertise to. Furthermore, you don't even practice what you preach. How do you explain the intimate relationship you have with them when you know it violates all professionalism and raises many ethical questions? B*tch, please.

A piece of an advice: mind your own business. Stop being such a loose-talking meddler. But given the scenario, if you really need to speak out your mind and correct the situation, you didn't have to get all personal about it. You should have just corrected the fault and not the person. And I would have appreciated it better if you had made the correction privately instead of lashing it out publicly.

Just to set the record straight - no one attacked you. Then again, if you couldn't stand the heat then you shouldn't have started the fire. Also, I think you need go back to school or enroll in English lessons because your command of English is rather horrible for a (self-confessed) qualified white-collar worker.

Please grow up, will you? You're a little too old for all these unnecessary dramas, woman.
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