Aug 01, 2006 23:59
Apparently NAFTY takes it out of a girl.
Nah, I think it was just a contributing factor to general stress (I blame Bad Cop, dammit). All this culminated in my shingles flaring up (for those of you not in the know, I sometimes re-get them when I'm stressed. It's not really contagious or a big deal, just a weird health quirk of mine) and my getting a massive headache to boot, so I called off today.
It served as more a mental health day than anything else, though I'm still uncomfortable and, well, just kind of worn out. Apparently sleeping past 11 and taking a mid-afternoon nap isn't enough for me. Ah well. I'd like to take off tomorrow as well, but I don't really need to, and having to catch up Thurs and Fri will ultimately just run me down more.
I had a very nice, relaxing day, though. Saw "V for Vendetta" (loved it!). Watched some of "Notorious" before dozing off (didn't really do it for me, but gets a Hitchcock get out of jail free card or something). Bought new books ("Zorro" and "Fluke"!). Talked to Mandy twice on the phone. Had a couple beers with Brad (less than two weeks before he leaves Space, boo!). And watched WAY TOO MUCH BUFFY (B and I were reminiscing favorite episodes and I got a craving). Though I'm a bit sick of NAFTY leftovers, not having to cook lately has been convenient.
On another note, Monday was final fencing. It was sad. Mike the Magician came to bout goodbye. Jess made risotto and we watched "Monk". The whole thing kind of depresses me so I shall not dwell! But I'm sure you haven't seen the last of my fencing - emailed a place in Bethesda yesterday. I'll be back!