Went to the Foothills Park "Edge" ice arena in Littleton on Friday for the public session, my first time there. It was quite deserted, a total of 7 other skaters were there the entire 90 minutes, and never more than 4 of them on the ice with me. Two speed skaters, one training the other - they were so quiet and fast! wow... (I could hear my scraping hockey blades compared with their smooth lack of friction)
And then there were two couples, both had a girl who could not skate well, along with a guy in hockey skates.
I managed a solid 90 minutes of all out speed, with 2 breaks totaling less than 10 minutes. In all, I expect I skated over 12 miles.
The experience was nicer than the Joy Burns Ice Arena at Denver University, where there were kids blocking the end of the rink for the first half hour, and then plenty of kid speed bumps for the remainder of the session. Though, I would say either rink was totally fine, and worth repeating.
Foothills has two rinks side by side, so hockey can proceed on one while the other is used for whatever purpose, including public sessions...