I've been having a lazy day doing random odds and ends around the house, so I thought I'd update. Usually I'd spend at least part of the day running errands, but with the cost of gas I'm cutting trips to a minimum. It's $4 or more a gallon, when you can find it. One gas executive suggested
cancelling the GA/Alabama game to help even further shortages in the Athens area. I get what he's saying, but in Georgia the thought of canceling such a big game is blashemphy. I'll be wearing my black in solidarity with the
blackout. Football has been so crazy. USC, Florida, and UT lost. Let's hope GA can pull through.
I've been trying to figure out Facebook, but I just don't get it. I'm missing something. People send me things and I don't know what they are(I went through a few of them today and accidentally deleted some.) The only time I really do anything with it is when I'm out and update my status from my phone. Someone please enlighten me to the awesomeness of Facebook.
I need new music, so I've been listening to a few new albums. My friend loves the Kings of Leon's new album, but I'm not feeling it. Same with the new Ben Folds. I was really optimistic about it, but I only semi-like one of the songs. My iTunes library crashed for the third time this year and in the process I lost all my ratings and comments. So in lieu of new music I'm rediscover old music. Currently it's Wilco and Will Hoge.
I'm also going to start scrapbooking. I've been "going to start scrapbooking", but this time is for real. I've been reading up on it, going through photos(I have so many prints to order), and accumulating supplies. Now I just need to do it.
As much as I love Summer I'm kind of glad to see it go. We enjoyed the last bit of the sun by hitting the North Georgia State Fair. It solidified my dislike of amusement park rides. I rode the adult equivalent of a kid ride and almost got sick. After the ferris wheel I was done with rides. It was my fault for not taking anything. Even if I didn't have motion sickness issues I don't think I would have liked it. I was more excited about the treats. I was looking forward to trying deep fried twinkies and oreos, but unfortunately the only deep fried things were funnel cakes. The highlight was definitely the petting zoo.
Off to watch the game.