Jan 12, 2005 10:10
just finished the first class of the day. chris and i discovered we have the same precal class, which is nice because we both have to get up for it.
yesterday i walked into asheville, which is actually a considerable distance. but it felt good, and i got to explore downtown a lot. i found some shops i like, including an amazing cd shop (nothing like what brevard has to offer)
i think i got prank called yesterday. but it was weird. the number was 553-**** and it was on my missed calls. so i call it back and i say, "hi, who is this? this number was on my phone"
commence a really awkward conversation with some girl named jessica who said i gave my number to her at the beach. i would have just said, "ok bye bye" except she knew my name was will. so strange. she asked me where i lived and i was just like, "the mountains". i don't think i've ever "given my number" to anyone in my life. and since it is a 553 number that means they're from around these parts, and not the beach like this person was saying. and she kind of mumbled her last name. i asked her a couple times and the best i could get was, "harrison" or something.
whatever. the only reason it bothers me is because i don't know if i'm crazy and i've actually met this person, or if they are fucking with me (to which they would have been successful).
ah, and finally, i got a sweet job swiping cards in the justice center for a couple hours a night a few days a week. i start tonight at 8. i get paid for reading a book and absent-mindedly swiping cards.