the science of sleep

Sep 15, 2006 23:18

Creative Savant :
You are most unusual. You don't think like everyone else, and there's no reason you should.
You have a rich fantasy life with lots of ideas and, yes, even visions cascading through your mind. Reality doesn't impede your progress, it simply keeps it on track.
If you've found a way to channel your creativity, most people probably think you're brilliant. If, however, you're finding it difficult to distinguish between your fantasy life and real life for say- oh,23 out of 24 hours- you might want to consider therapy or a career as a flimmaker.

官网 缤纷仿佛游乐园,会溜走的木马,带彩色尾巴的蜡笔,睡梦泡泡和纸飞机,一切都太让人喜欢。前面一段英文就是在那里玩的WHAT DO YOU DREAM的游戏结果,某人天生嗜梦症得到权威认证,无比得意。(虽然还是要汗一下最后一句的。- -=)



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