these were both prompts that i got awhile back on tumblr. don't expect brilliance because they suck.
untitled - #1 (because i'm lazy as fuck today)
alice/yooyoung - college au - g - 332 words
"Alright, kids." Yooyoung jumped at the crack of metal against plastic; she’d never faired well with loud noises.
It was her first day on campus and though her close friend, Hyelim, was doing a fantastic job of distracting her from the homesickness creeping up on her already, her rambling wasn’t enough to divert her attention from moving to the girl now in front of them.
"I’m Joohee," she continued. "Or Alice - I look like an Alice, right?" Pearly whites dazzled Yooyoung as Joo-… Alice laughed at her own comment. “Anyway, I’m going to be your RA for the year. I’m guessing that all of you found your way to your dorms fine? That’s what I’m here for - to help you settle in and get to know the floor to your liking.” Her smile widened. “Well, that and to show you a good time.”
Good time? Yooyoung wondered.
"Anyone have an questions? I’m all ears."
The room fell quiet - most lips pursed together save a few brave souls who continued casually conversing through the otherwise silence.
Pursing her lips together, Yooyoung continued to wonder what these “good times” Alice was referring to could’ve been. The options were aplenty but none of the possibilities that dawned on her really matched up to anything a resident adviser could’ve gotten away with without earning themselves a slap on the wrist.
Curiosity getting the best of her, Yooyoung stuck her arm into the air, waving her hand to catch Alice’s attention. When she noticed, a warm smile crossed her features, helping Yooyoung’s shoulders to ease (and the corners of her lips to quirk upward). “Question?”:
"Yeah," Yooyoung started hesitant, as her arm fell back down at her side. "You said you’ll show us a "good time", what… exactly does that entail?"
Alice chuckled. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Yooyoung froze in her seat as a wink was shot in her direction, blood rushing to her cheeks. For all she knew, she was already flushed a violent red.
untitled - #2 (because i'm still lazy, wow)
kaeun/yooyoung - community au - pg - 300 words
"Online classes."
Yooyoung raised an eyebrow as Kaeun slammed her textbooks against the surface of her desk, wincing as some of her prize possessions shifted dangerously above her head. “What about them?” She questioned through gritted teeth, turning her eyes toward her cluttered stack of notes.
"I’ve been feeling a bit weathered lately." Yooyoung could practically hear the pout in Kaeun’s voice, looking back, upward to confirm her suspicions."There’s just so many classes to go to and if I have to hear Mr. Perry go off again about “those sexy Victorians” one more time, I’m gonna…”
"That’s what you get for taking a class explicitly about sexy victorians.”
Kaeun scrunched her nose. “I didn’t think it’d actually be so literal when I signed up. I thought they were trying to be clever or something.”
Yooyoung shrugged. “It’s a bizarre school,” she paused. “It was your decision to come here anyway.”
"Well, yeah, everything’s so much cheaper here but are we really leaning anything we can use in the future?” Kaeun questioned, taking a few steps backwards, flopping down onto Yooyoung’s mattress.
“You’re concerned about your future? Alert the press,” Yooyoung snorted at her lame joke.
“Wow. That’s real cute.” Kaeun groaned. “What’s so different about classes online, anyway?”
"Well," Kaeun paused, stretching her arms out behind her head with a yawn. "For one: we’d never really have to leave our dorms - only to pee and… feed and… stuff." Yooyoung laughed, incredulous, at the thought. "And where else can you take classes that argue the popular logic in TV judge shows?"
Yooyoung shook her head. “America,” she sighed. “What’s so different about those classes and the ones you can take here? That sounds just as bogus as your sexy Victorian one.”
"I don’t know…, never having to get out of bed sounds really appealing to me."
Yooyoung groaned. “You lazy fuck.”