Jun 11, 2007 18:58
i just had tuition. (yes, fyi another new one)
i died.
i seriously did.
this respectable young gentlemen came into the room.
put down his crumpler bag and sat down.
he dug deep into his bag and whipped out his hp laptop.
lesson started.
halfway something embarrassing happened.
i kept coughing, i couldn't stop. the itch in my throat wouldn't stop.
i just wished for that split second, i could stick my hand down my throat and scratch it. (like the strepsils advertisment)
but couldn't. i kept coughing until i cried and i couldn't speak.
tcher: do you need to take your medicine?
xy: (cough cough and tries to speak)
tcher: (nod nod)
xy: (ran out of room)
fomg please.
i had no choice but to gulp down a spoonful of honey.
pure pollen honey. it tasted to sweet, i cringed.
i died.
it was the first and worst tuition.
sigh. :(
then i realised i really had tons of stuff i don't know about my subjs.
oh bother.
i need to buck up more. (seriously)
pull my socks up.
now, i wouldn't dare to go calculate my tuition fees for now.
it'd surely make me feel 12345678910 guilty.
i feel so bad..
i don't wanna spend so much of my parents money.
i'd better work hard.