A little something for everyone?

Oct 03, 2006 20:43

I picked up my New England photos the other day. On the upside, playing over the sound system at Walgreen's was none other than "There's Got to Be a Morning After," aka The Poseidon Adventure's ode to hot pants and spaced-out blondes. On the downside, rather a lot of the pictures were overexposed: disappointing, but that's what happens when you (I) refuse to abandon your (my) all-manual SLR for a cheap credit-card digital camera, despite never learning to use it correctly. They're not terrible, though, if you like woods and such. I was interested to see that out of four rolls, the best-lit pictures were the ones I took literally of my own backyard(s - both in Evanston and in Atlanta). But I am ignoring the philosophical implication.

That's really all for today. In this paragraph I'm going to say something vulgar, so feel free to go get distracted by the pictures. While fulminating to the cats about how goddamn useless my elected representatives are when it comes to representing me / upholding the Constitution / resisting shameful trends, I hit upon a gently obscene descriptor that I'll never be able to work into conversation, since I don't talk with other humans about politics. On the other hand, I don't want it to fester, so I figured I'd throw it onto the internet. The new term: "congressman Kegels" (also useful as a direct epithet, i.e., "Despite his earlier promises, Congressman Kegels failed to…"). The definition: any vote in favor of the president's militaristic agenda made not out of genuine desire to shoot some foreigners or deny people their rights, but for fear of being labeled a weakling. Congressman Kegels, in other words, make you "tough" (on terror!) without changing the fact that deep down, you're still a pussy. I could point out that they also provide just enough resistance for both parties to the fucking-over to feel accomplished - "We triumphed over uninformed idealists" vs. "We held this administration accountable" - but I fear that would cross the line into crude. And we wouldn't want to be crude.

photos, questionable

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