The closest thing yet to being in a musical.

May 29, 2006 15:46

Classes are over for the quarter, provided you are not a graduate student or part of the engineering program: I, for instance, have one more meeting of ME on Tuesday. I've basically decided I'm not going to do the reading, not least because it's a second week on post-Holocaust issues. Plus on several occasions the professor has hijacked the ( Read more... )

people are drunk, things that are green, serbo-c, grad school

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gabbiana May 30 2006, 17:30:34 UTC
Look! I comment! Sleepily, but I COMMENT.

My classes will be over on Friday. Well, my classes were over today, actually, and then there's a test tomorrow morning and on Friday afternoon, and then we drink ourselves stupid and take our leave of one another until August (though if we fail, we end up in Vermont (?) together taking neuroscience). Unless, like me, you intend to spend your summer in Philly for No Good Reason.

("No Good Reason" = "possibility of sex" or, at the very least, "possibility of some kind of social life without my parents' careful scrutiny.")

But! We will be in Atlanta at the same time! I am bringing you your gift! Also I am bringing along Munna Bhai so that we can watch it! After we bake! Perhaps we can also watch Family Guy at some point! Also also we can meet Ryan for drinks, because we are all legal! Or we can relive high school and go for Cafe Intermezzo (drinks *and* dessert) / Waffle House / Shake n'Bake / Canton Cooks / that Mexican place up in Roswell!

In terms of irritating professors, I decided that my neuroscience course coordinator / chief lecturer has the same laugh as Ernie in the rubber duckie song. It is not so charming when coming from an *actual* adult male. The comparison is especially apt if you subscribe to the "Bert and Ernie are *more* than friends" theory, because said professor, if you google him, apparently participates in something called Gaylaxicon. And people, I am all for gayness, or straightness, or both, but I draw the line at having your name publicly connected to gay fan fiction. THERE IS A LINE IN THE SAND AND IT IS RIGHT HERE.

"I can't say we really bonded with the UC students." Neither did I. And I *went* to U of C. *TALKING TO STRANGERS,* though, HELPS. JUST SO YOU KNOW.

Dogs are great. My parents shocked us all my taking the remaining two to the beach this weekend. Apparently Sammy and Maggie are behaving themselves and staying away from the alligators. (Sammy = appetizer-sized.)

"Like school celebrations everywhere, it's a careful balancing act between 1) not giving students' parents a reason to sue the university for their children's idiocy and 2) throwing a good enough party that students sacrifice some precious drinking/tripping time to attend it." For someone who allegedly hates all of us happenin' young un's ("GIT OFF'N MAH LAWN!"), you sure do observe well. That sentence is PRECIOUS.

"Brick" remains my favorite Ben Folds song. Not that I'm exactly familiar with the canon, outside of those two albums you sent me. But it's the most plaintive abortion-based love song ever. It might be the only abortion-based love song ever. With a great chorus! I can wail along!

(Like in the shower this morning, when I was singing, alternately, the rubber duckie song and showtunes from Kiss Me, Kate. Given the noises I hear in the bathroom from what I believe to be upstairs, I have reason to think that the people downstairs LOVE ME NOW.)

I have a Drexel nalgene in yellow with a black cap. The combination is unfortunate, but was still better than the other options in the bookstore. And unlike my previous nalgene, this one has a wide enough neck that I can get a scrub-brush in there when necessary (The last bottle's bacterial colonies had evolved to the point of sentience, and that's not something you want from your water bottle.).

"I checked the same pocket of my book bag over and over, because that was where it should be: never mind that it's hard to misplace a 1L bottle in the average backpack." I totally did that the other day when I misplaced... something or other. If it *should* be there, there is nowhere else it could be. Period.

Short-term memory loss: Present and accounted for.


byelka58 May 30 2006, 21:56:55 UTC
I suspect that we are friends because everything you say delights me. Except that Ryan is in DC, and thus will probably not be joining us. That's not really your fault, though.

I think we all learned something, and that's DON'T GOOGLE YOUR PROFESSORS. Professors' lives are not to be inquired into (and vice versa): I saw MA wearing cargo shorts today, but - victory! - I was in class at the time so he couldn't ask me about the 580.

Until Atlanta, my friend.


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