House-keeping, mostly, with some interactive content.

Feb 21, 2006 21:42

I am here to inform you of a number of things. For instance, I posted some fresh pictures in the "Arts and Crafts" and "Very Strange Things" albums, so if you like things that are fun, you might enjoy spending a few minutes there.1 If you prefer things that are AWESOME, note that you can have USPS stamps printed from any (suitably proportioned) photograph you upload to Yahoo!. Sure, they cost slightly more than twice their shipping value, but considering the likelihood of the postal service of their own volition putting Hewitt on a stamp, I'm delighted to have the opportunity. I haven't taken it yet, but it's there.

Today we had visitors in BCS: a kid who applied to NU this year, and his mother, a heritage speaker (grrrrr) of Serbian. The kid has picked up some Serbian one way or another, and wants to take courses in it here. Nada decided on the spur of the moment to hold a talent show of sorts, calling us up to recite the poems we've memorized, read the stories we wrote, act out our dialogues. It was, in my opinion, massively weird. Still, I feel I've learned something important: if we ever knew ahead of time that we'll have guests, I bet she'd make us write skits or something. It's a terrible thing to say about a person, that s/he is in favor of skits, but I bet I'm right. In that situation, I will arrange to be absent for as long as is necessary.

While we're on the subject, several weeks ago we learned the expression "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth," and the undergraduates had never heard it (in English) before. They're from all around the US, so I can't explain it geographically, and since the oldest of them is only a year younger than I am, age shouldn't be the answer, either. They'd never heard of The Poseidon Adventure, either, but I forgave that since I encountered it only by chance. Still. What's the matter with kids today?

If your love for this journal is so great that you'd like to "assist" my family members as they make important decisions, I'm sure my sister would love to hear from you.

I seem to have talked stalkyoulater into joining me for a hockey game, her first, over spring break. While checking the Thrashers' schedule, I noticed they aren't even last in the league. Heck, there are six teams solidly behind them! Granted, their current record is 26-26-6, so there's still room for improvement... but Buffalo is doing really well. They'll be in town while I'm home, too; maybe I'll see two games. It's vacation, after all. Anyway, the best thing to happen in hockey recently is the Italian goaltender's comment "We are arguably the least talented team here." (He continued, "The only thing we could control is our work ethic.") Sadly, Tuzzolini and his team have since been eliminated (along with Latvia, Germany, and Kazakhstan). The quotation lives on in our hearts, though.

Then I have two things I've been holding onto for a while (since February and November of 2005, respectively), but then forgot to post on Valentine's Day, as I'd intended. First, the fourth panel of this CN strip. Second, from the best Canadian-cancer-survivor blog I've yet encountered, another delicious quotation:Anyway, I considered him my friend and not my boyfriend as my real school crushes were on this kid named Sebastian who I flirted madly with in a typical childhood fashion by ignoring him, avoiding him at all costs and never speaking a word to him if I possibly could help it. I still flirt this way because I believe in finding something that works dismally for you and sticking to it.
I read a lot of random sites, of course, because that's where the words are. Many of them - even my favorites - require some degree of warning (e.g., A Little Pregnant contains the paragraph "When I finally managed to stand up, I realized I'd been bleeding all over the bath mat. I also realized that the mass that had been in my right tube wasn't there any more, because I felt it slither down my vagina. I had the presence of mind (and the requisite twisted interest) to cup my hands between my thighs to catch it").

I need not, however, employ any caveats in linking you all to Miss Doxie. Start with the anniversary post, if you like; I've read the complete site archives twice now, and I assure you all but one post will bring you joy (the other will make you cry, but it too is well written). If you ever find yourself wishing you had something better to read than, say, French anthropological theory, or nineteenth-century British phrenological texts, or LJ posts, there you go.

1. If you looked at the pictures, would you mind answering a poll question for me? Which image is the most pimptastic: Leisure Suit Hewitt or Brick Perm? If you have an opinion on half-uncials vs. gothicized italics, I'd like to hear that as well, since someday I will have to rewrite my Silmarillion manuscript, now that I am slightly less godawful a calligrapher.

That was the interactive content, by the way.

Breach of contract?

websites, photos, squirrels, serbo-c

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