What Hoyt said.

May 01, 2005 21:13

One last update before I become legally dead. I expect to remain legally dead until Wednesday at noon, when I will either become actually really dead, or joyously alive. It all depends on how much of a paper I have, and how I feel about it. In the latter instance, I will come home, read my stuff for Thursday, go to NCR, and then get on the train and find a freaking fabric store and make my pillows already. If the former, I'll go see HGttG: my life will already be over, so if the movie sucks, then my day won't get worse (and if it's good, well, so much the better). Meanwhile, there's no way in hell I'm doing my readings for Marx on Tuesday. I'd skip outright if it weren't my advisor teaching the class.

I had another not-date yesterday, this time with a real-life person and considerably less awkwardness. Jackson was in town to take the GMAT (an experience he did not enjoy, evidently), and having fallen victim to the propaganda he too wanted to try Chicago-style pizza. I'm getting pretty good with that particular request (and can I mention my delight at a social occasion that didn't start with fifteen minutes (or 2 hours) of "So, what do you want to do?"? Way to call with a plan, dude). Two points to him for volunteering spinach as his topping (more like filling) of choice; of course, he lost them again for not letting me pay for my half, but whatever. I could bore you all to tears with an in-depth recounting of everything that seemed funny to me, but let's skip to the highlights.

Oh, and where possible let's present them in pre-digested chatlog form, for extra dullness. Hey, and bullet points!

galadriel58: True story: he says he knows there's no hope for a friendship if the person has never heard of Bjork.
galadriel58: What the fuck.
galadriel58: I was like, "Buddy, I have watched Bjork videos."
galadriel58: And that's the story of how Jeremy saved my life.

The video I was thinking of (thanks to Jeremy's very odd taste in AIM links) is available here, and I am truly sorry about the RealPlayer thing. If you make it to the end (feel free to fast-forward through any scene not containing a cat), do drop by her official site for the, uh, full experience. And lyrics, which apparently the song has, although personally I only heard "oxygen joyously".

Anyway, him having such a specific matching question opened the floor to OKC algorithms, so there was a five-minute digression about distribution curves. That'd be lame, except that other topics included:
  • "Mulder and Scully: how come they didn't do it already?" (and yes, that was a great issue of "Rolling Stone"?) (and yes, I did have the Mattel dolls) (and no, I don't know if they were wearing chastity belts; they're still in the box)
  • TV shows that definitely should/should not have [had] musical episodes
  • What exactly was wrong with The Godfather III (all him; the film must really have been bothering him, since he knew I'd never seen any of them and therefore had to explain what was right with the first two to make his point)
  • etc.
No Harry Potter and no LotR, but I think you get that it'd be impossible to isolate any single section of the conversation as "the lame part".

We talked here for a while, he left, I logged on. And of course, who should be there - with excessive interest in my bidness - but Skrmish? I got into a three-way conversation with Skets and Nina, eventually resulting in this exchange:

galadriel58: "jenniferskrmetti: Amish: "Did she get any?"
galadriel58: It's only 10 PM!
galadriel58: Who has sex and kicks their date out before 10 PM?
jenniferskrmetti: um....
jenniferskrmetti: YOU SAID DATE
galadriel58: Because we were talking about hypothetical sex-having!
jenniferskrmetti: NAHNANANANAN
jenniferskrmetti: YOU SAID DATE"
njbreakstone: Oh, wait!
njbreakstone: Did you have dinner and stuff with Jackson?
njbreakstone: Was that tonight?
njbreakstone: Date date date date date!
njbreakstone: Sex!
njbreakstone: Date!
njbreakstone: SEX!
njbreakstone: Rachel!
njbreakstone: SEX!
galadriel58: I love you dearly, Nina.

I do appreciate everyone's... encouragement. It wasn't a date, though; my sister's got my back on this, and she has dated more (and weirder) than all of you. Therefore I win.

The prize is singleness!

Skrmetti has picked out a color for my bridesmaid dress, and still refuses to let me not participate; thankfully, that color is a gorgeous red and I don't actually have to wear shoes if I don't want to. Sure, satin in summer is nobody's idea of a party, but if I get to see all you kids dashing around in your formal wear and desperately trying to avoid the bouquet, I guess it'll all be worth it.

See you Wednesday.

wedding, attractive brunettes, not a date, aim, grad school, papers

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