Dec 12, 2004 02:31
sooooo great week, i was unhappy and angry and tired for much of it, but..
everythign good this week has
basically all happened becuase i've become frineds wiht reid.. and he and i had some big long talk and he says he likes talking to me becuase im confident and i always have somehtign interesting or "deep" to say.. so i just about lauighed my ass off.. and anyway since im in choir and since i have good music he asked if i could find his band a singer.. and i knew matt wanted to sing.. so i told him matt.. and then devon asked me to help him find a drummer.. and i knew reid drummed.. so somehow out of all of this.. i ended up putting together the oak park supergroup of all bands ever.. devon, eli, matt, reid, and now i guess sort of me...
.. thursday spent lunch with ahsley at the animal shelter...went to devon's after school to hear matt sing.. ended up fawing over his amaazing lyrics.. helped with melody and vocals.. became.... co-producer/manager??/ backup vocalist.. i guess... whatever devon says... i felt really wrong about it.. i felt like i was totally intruding.. and im not a performer.. and i have no musical-ness or experience.. i mean ive had 2 years of paino and 3 years of choir and i have good taste in music but basically i knwo nothing.. yeah i want to be an agent or a manager but.. its a different story, so anyway.. devon loves me for some reason and is dead set on "teaching me to make a record" he says i "have the ear" and that i "have it in me".. so.. whatever that means its great.. becuase just hanging out and fucking aroudn in the studio is fun.. and im apparently much more musiclaly talented than i thought... or so they tell me..
... so after that, had choir concert.. matt came, devon was there for jazzy band.. reid is a fuck head..
...after choir concert went to bj's as per tradition.. went with dev and his awesome mom.. ashely fucking sat wiht losers and ignored me.. pissed me off becuase i basically carry on her fucking traditions and try to spend time wiht her and she ditches me..but i had an amazing time with dev.. talking about music.. becuase if were not talking about music were arguing.. but musically were wonderful togetehr and i love it.. so weve been getting along tremendously lately.. hes like the little brother who loves my boobs.. sigh
so got home. balh balh blah... fridayyyy
after school.. went to matty's.. hung out til 6:30 at matt's house.. i love his mom, his house, and his dog.. but mostly him.. i even love his grandpa.. hes from minnesota.. soo hung out.. then left for the wiltern.. got there.. bought shirts and pins.. went up to our seats.. chilled and the show started.. the deadly snakes are great if you appreciate bluesy rock.. they had a brass section and a harpsicord!! fucking wonderful bandmates they were so fun.. and then this godawful thing called the bronx came onstage.. and it was jsut depressing whatching the fat balding singer lift up his shirt and shake uncontrollably to horrible death metal.. about cancer... so this bad bad screamer.. i mean.. singer.. jumps into the pit wiht like 200 emo kids going.. omg.. hes hitting us.. what.. it hurts.. go away.. meanwhile the bouncer is holding ontp the mic chord trying to either reel him in or keep him form strnagling people.. and it was jsut bad.. the were called the bronx but they were from L.A... like.. wtf?... sooooo
and salvation.. in fact, my shirt says (in latin) no salvation wihtout the hives..)
im completely not exaggerating.. they are wonderful wonderful people. i cant begin to explain how good the show was. it was so good. i cant even. oh god.
howlin' pelle almquist.. is my swedish jesus.
got home. SLEEP.
woke up.. 5 after 3.. wiht my mom.. in my bed.. petting my hair..
jumped up.. screamed.. calmed down.. got back into bed.. got up.. put on hot hot heat and showered.. went to my brother's play.. got a call from devon.. "hey we jsut jammed with reid.. wanna come to denny's..".... i missed jamming wiht reid.. damn it.. anyway.. went to michael's play.. was good fun.. godawful, kid's holiday show.. but good fun.. got to see the lee strasberg theatre.. got to see anna strasberg's awful directing.. got to see really hot actors who play guitar look down my shirt.. michael had to start intorducing me as his 16 year old little sister... some people thought i was anna.. i mean his wife.. it was bizarre.. anna was freaked out.. i was freaked out.. my mom called me a slut.. al in all good night.. had dinner at a place supposed to be the "french quarter" had great onion soup.. it was packed wiht gay men.. so m,y mom was freaking out that it was a gay bar.. my sister and i just laughed at her a lot..
went home.. had a wodnerful argument over judgment and my mother not planning to support me financially if she doesnt like the choices i make.. not that i askjed for financial support.. i actually asked her never to judge the choices i make wiht my life.. but she missed that point completely..
got home.. felt trapped
decided to myself..
"eileen, what is wrong wiht your mother"
and thought, "well, eileen, i thik shes just had too many night where she went to bed angry"
so felt trapped.. called up devon.. reid answered.. eli and all of them came and picked me up.. we drove about and went back to dev's to make a fire?.. but we failed.. so we went to the studio and chilled and talked..
eli and everyone dropped me off..
came home.. talking to devon.. asked about reid's drumming.. cus we werent sure.. and apparnely devon says he has the best timing of any drummer he knows and he has a really clean style.. so thats kickass.. it looks like everythin is finalized.. were still tyring to decide on getting another bassist so eli can play second guitar.. personally i dont want anohter person around,, i think the dynamic now is really good.. so ill talk to devon about it.. and well figure out vocals and all of that.. we have time.. and im happy. and i love this.. and its gonnna be fucking great. plus mike is realy excited to hear that im getting into the whole production thing cus hes a great encouraging brother in law.. and my mom is into it becuase it will look good for college..
therfore if i say "we need to work in the studio" i am pretty much allowed out no matter what... cant wiat to see it re-done sound proffed and all cus then we can all jam w.o disturbing awesome mom..
god i love boys and bands and everythign.. like i said.. im a fucking groupie.. but im a groupie who wants power..
annnd the moral of the story is..
eileen wants to have sex wiht reid.. only not have sex.. becuase devon says if we have sex we will make babies who'll have black hair and glasses.. soo no babies.. so just other things.. besides sex.. would be nice.. ahem.. i love reid. hes so clueless.