Saturday night was spent celebrating the last-few-boiz-to-enlist's aka Keith & Xiaowei & Derek's last weekend before they turn botak. Headed down to NaNa after work with the Georges kidz & I was very surprised to see E V E R Y B O D Y there. All damn steady, I like ^^ So my life is coming to an end in 2 weeks, when my bestfriends will be back at school and my brothers will be very nobly serving the nation. Boohoo ):
This is like only half the amount of people that were there that night.
Kimberly (talking to Jason) : Eh angmoh, take photo!! Then I realised there were like 3 other ang mohs haha and the 4 chinese boys on the right side of the photo also want to be in the "ang moh" shot, sheesh.
Hunting kittens.
Hi hi little kitties
fucking ugly ah!!
Georges crewzzzz ^^
These boiz camping outside = didn't see them except for like 10 mins or so here and there :/