Oct 15, 2003 20:21
Wow my computer just erased my entry and I wasn't even done with it and I didn't press the update button I just turned arouned looked at Josh then turned back around and my guy was erased. Wow that was weird.
Every time I see the word Scarface anywhere I think of Katie Walsh. She loves this movie. I haven't been paying much attention to it at the moment but what I have payed attention to seemed pretty good. A little while ago Josh and I watched Casino that movie is so good but I have to say Goodfellas is a little better.
Nice comments welcome: if you write a mean comment in this journal I'll kick your poopy butt!
Just for the record people should not use the N word as an excuse to yell at somebody thats way to serious of and issue to make up. If you ever do something like that I think you are a p.o. crap and a really ugly and stupid person because only somebody ugly and stupid would do something like that. I hate stupid, ugly, assholes...just to let you know
Thats all for now.