Jan 23, 2008 07:06
karen is satan's little helper. Last night at gym i'm pretty sure I nearly had an arachnoid cardiological pulminary whatsit PLUS an athsma attack, not to mention the excrutiating pain when my leg cramped up around the FIFTIETH circuit on the track. She didn't even break out in a sweat. And here's me gasping so much for air that these assholes kindly gents offered me a NEBULISER. The shame of it! I am currently formulating a particularly brilliant and nefarious plot to bring the bitch down.
In a fit of evol temper I dodged the rabid joburgers raced home (as best one can with half the robots being out due to rolling blackouts) and proceded to guzzle an entire bowl of lasagna while loving my evol bitch cat who does bite my ear awake at night and must die daughter.