Yesterday, I looked again at some of the spices on my shelf (who am I kidding, it's shelves plus boxes and bins) and realized that I needed to finally order some more. This morning, I filled up all the bottles from my bulk spice bags and then wrote down all the ones that I need more of. That part was great fun. Then, I ordered more spices. That part was traumatic. I don't like spending money, and spices are expensive, even when you get them from Penzeys, which has better prices and better spices than anywhere I've ever seen. This should keep me going for quite a while, with the possible exception of the cinnamon. However, since I'm changing kinds (from a four cinnamon mix to
China Tung Hing Cinnamon), it makes sense to start with just half a pound. I used to get another kind but can't remember which. Since half a pound lasts me about six months, I should have plenty of opportunities to decide how I feel about the change.