Memory Lane

May 28, 2022 22:03

One of the good things about visiting family is that I can work on cleaning up all the stuff I have stored with them. I have boxes of paperwork from twenty years ago, tons of old photos, old writing projects, and a zillion recipes. Much of it is completely useless, so I have started looking through it to get rid of the stuff I don't need. Also, I'd really like to scan in the stuff that actually matters to me. Even if I only manage to scan in a few photos and recycle all the old recipes (since I can't eat any of that), it will be a big improvement. Honestly, though, I'm super glad to find some of the photos, because back in the day, I scanned everything to be like 400x600px or something like that. I'd really like some of those photos to be less crappy, so I plan on scanning them all again. It will take forever, but I'm really looking forward to having those images. Oh, or I could pay someone to scan all those photos. It looks like there is a service that will do it for relatively cheap. Awesome!
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