
Feb 05, 2021 20:01

Things have been a little weird here, but generally everything otherwise continues more or less like normal. As I may have reported previously, I got a new glucometer, and the blood sugar results are lower than the previous glucometer's. While this is weird, it does seem to correspond a little more closely to how awful I feel. At least, kind of. I have been able to use it to guess that low blood sugar was causing my nightmares (as the body tries to get access to more glucose by squirting out adrenaline), so I started eating some (30g) apple at night. My blood sugar is slightly less low, I am slightly more functional, and I have started doing really strange things as I'm falling asleep. Twice, I've been woken up as I make an eating sound (think of * chomp * as a kind of cartoony sound), and last night, I was frantically digging/scratching under Joel's pillow. When he asked what I was doing, I was pretty annoyed, since it was obvious. There was this guy, and.... Even when Joel explained that I had been falling asleep, I was totally confused about what was happening and why Joel didn't see that what I was doing was important. I did seem to stop my digging after that, though. I'm hoping that this doesn't get any weirder.

In what seems to be good news, a peer reviewed study has come out showing that the Russian COVID vaccine is safe and effective. I just looked online, and registration seems to be open, with slots available in early March. However, online registration requires a social security-like number and a Russian passport, so that isn't going to work (we have the obligatory medical insurance, but not the next step). I have asked a friend to help if he has time. So, we'll wait and see.

Joel's Menu
  • Monday: Grilled Cheese
  • Tuesday: Fasting
  • Wednesday: Bell Peppers and Beef
  • Thursday: Оладушки
  • Friday: Fasting
  • Saturday: Tikka Masala
  • Sunday: Pizza

As usual, my menu continues to repeat.

quarantine, bloodsugar, menu

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