Paint, paint, paint

Nov 20, 2013 18:22

Progress is slowly being made. I have finished painting one room and am halfway through the second. The color we have used for the two bedrooms is kind of like the color of vanilla ice cream. It is fine. Not awesome or interesting but good enough. I'm also completely exhausted, although not so exhausted that I've become hysterical like last night.


I was concerned that the flooring would need a lot of work, but (knock on wood) so far it looks like both rooms have survived with just scuffing. That means that the only room that needs fixing is the living room, where one side of the couch ate through the polyurethane. I've sanded and put a couple coats on there, so one more and that will be done. Have I mentioned exhausted?

I'm trying to eat enough so that I have the energy to do all this, but eating when you are already kind of full is not pleasant.

On top of this work, I've been dealing with the Peace Corps and Department of Labor. Not really super fun either. There is a woman who is supposed to help former volunteers to deal with the Department of Labor. She is a replacement after the first two people in this job quit. The first two were super pro-active and interested in helping. This one is the kind of person who says she can't do anything to help and then gives you a list with some things that might need to be done. She isn't really sure, but the things are all super stressful. (Like when my lymph nodes would swell up and my aunt's first suggestion was that it was cancer.) The previous two ladies both just called the Department of Labor, so it isn't like it can't be done. She did thank me for "trying to do something for myself", as though this was just an amazing improvement over the behavior of the usual, lazy sacks of shit she deals with. I haven't bothered to tell her yet that I've been doing things for myself for almost ten years after the Peace Corps made it crystal clear that they didn't give a rat's ass what happened to me once I was no longer a volunteer. To cement that, they then investigated all the volunteers getting disability because they were sure we were all liars. (The letter didn't say exactly that, but it got pretty close.) In fact, the only reason that I'm even talking to her about this is because someone asked if there was anything they could do at the Peace Corps to help me, and I told the previous nurse in that position that I hadn't heard anything from the Department of Labor about my move. (Whereupon, she called the Department of Labor and found out what was going on.) Anyway, I don't need any more stress, so dealing with her has made me extra grumpy.

I had hoped to get the painting done tonight, but that won't happen. Hopefully, I can get it done tomorrow. I will finish the primer tonight, then put the actual paint on tomorrow. Then we'll reorganize everything again, so that I can paint the living room. Hopefully, I'll be able to cover up the lighter spots so that the blank walls don't clearly show where holes were patched. Worse comes to worst, I'll push the podcast back to Sunday and try to get everything else done before the going away party.


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