Consistant favorites?

May 31, 2006 10:12

I was changing my AIM name because I've had problems with somebody who has my current name and the AIM name form asked me to answer a security question in case I forget my password.

The potential questions that I could answer?

Favorite song?
Favorite Movie?
and so on.

They are worried that I will forget my password but that I won't forget what my favorite song was on May 31st 2006? Because I'm not sure I've had a consistanat favorite song, movie, or book that lasted more than a year ever...

I think I'd have a better shot at remembering the password.

so the security question I picked was:

What city were you born in?

Which of course has one consistant answer. But then how secure is that? Everybody who knows me in real life knows where I was born. Heck every person who ever passed the hospital where I was born within a 3 mile radius of my parents knows where I was born and the room number and the doctors name because after I was born they never again passed the hospital without telling the story of my birth in vivid detail.

I used to devise elaborate routs to avoid the hospital whenever we had my friends in the car.

So my question for the day? Do you have a consistant favorite song, movie, book... ect that you would be able to remember 5 years from now if you forgot your AIM or Messanger password?
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