May 27, 2011 10:01
Morning / afternoon
A. 753 Partridge Drive - > Outside
[ Ichika decided to clean the house today, after his talk with Black Mage the other day he decided to play it on the safe side and be a good not son and clean and cook. So he wouldn't be thrown in to a hole in the back yard.
The house was somewhat clean at least, thank god there was no dead bodies or anything like that. It was just way to quiet right now. Even if it was morning someone else should be up right? After cleaning he decided to go outside and sweep the driveway. Not like it mattered but having the house look clean inside and out was important to him. Outside he found a letter about the Census he filled out, he thought he filled it out wrong or misread something the first time, it happens to everyone right? ]
Huh? I don't remember answering this question. [Ichika keeps reading the letter and cringes] I can't let my friends get hurt, they shouldn't be punished due to the fact I can't act on my own power.
B. General Store
[ After noticing they were low on food Ichika decided to head in to town. Just taking a small bag with him and some money he had on hand. Hopefully it would be enough to get food for dinner today. While walking to the store he noticed that things seemed more off then they usually were, but he thought it was just due to the fact no one was really around this early in the morning. It was going to take him a few hours to pick up everything on the list he made so he decided to take it easy and go at a leisurely pace.
He had a lot on his mind like that weird letter he got back from the Census. Surely it was a joke right? Killing people who did nothing but live in the town, it was madness. There was no way he could bring him self to do something like that. ]
C. Phone
Did anyone else get a letter saying they answered a question that they didn't? Please tell me there's a way out of this, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me again.
Mid-Afternoon / Evening
Outside - > 753 Partridge Drive
It was starting to get late, but it Ichika had a lot on his mind. He still didn't know why all of his stuff was taken. He wanted his kendo equipment back at least, that way he could practice a little and not get out of shape. He was also still dumbfounded by the letter he got today. Why would anyone ask him to kill someone?
i don't understand it,
useless harem protag