in honor of samantha, a post!

Dec 17, 2009 02:28

because i lurve her and she's BACK FROM JAPAN~ (although slight difficulty since we have the same lover...hmm...threesome! huh, that actually wasn't so difficult. update on life: i am done with my second semester as a college sophomore, and headed off for winter break friday afternoon (packing awaits), where i shall be greeted by parents and one of my bffs! sisters will be at an award ceremony (they're so grown-up now: winning prizes n' shit) but i'll see them later, once i get back from driving my super fabulous new squishy car to visit friends a few minutes away before they leave for vacation like wtf? next semester i will be taking on a shit load of classes along with my already busy work schedule for the wellness center (but i get to watch sexy asian guys play indoor soccer now, AND get paid to do it, so hey, i'm good ^^). classes include: oceanography, advanced japanese, japanese social context, ford/knight program on japanese food, introduction to literature, and japanese social context. all in all, 17 credits, which is a lot considering 18 is the max here. just got back from hanging with friends at barrett for card games and then over to japan house to youtube ray william johnson (HEART) and eat instant miso soup~ umm, as far as love life goes: NIL. ZILCH. NADA. i'm kinda still on an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to him [yeah him. the one who i fell half in love with last year because i have a bad habit of falling for my best guy friend, but he rebounded on me once and then went out with other chicks even after i confessed to him and then we were barely friends and never hung out and he said i was a bitch/mean/sarcastic, at which point (oh yeah, last monday) i went into the batcave and sobbed for hours]. that was a low point...>.< haven't really talked to him much after i apologized for whatever it was i did that set him off at 11:44 pm on a sunday night, but we have a habit of him doing something, me freaking the fuck out and avoiding him for a few days, and then both of us acting like nothing ever happened (which does not mean that we go back to being friends, sadly.) ANYWAY. it's sad that i let him have so much control over how i feel.*gasps weakly* but yeah, my break is gonna be awesome because i'm gonna finally see my two bffs and we're gonna do our New Year's tradition of buying lots of junk food, badly made horror movies, and watching them all night~ HAPPY DAYS. and i don't plan on working either ;)
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