May 19, 2007 16:43
It's been quite some time since I last came to LJ, let alone post in my journal! I am, obviously, not dead! Although I did come pretty close, considering how many hours I put into studying for AP tests.....and it seems like it was all for nothing, because I had NO IDEA what to write for the essays! (What the heck do the Spanish empire and the Russian empire have to do with each other?! >___<)
Anyway, that's thankfully over with!! School too, will be ending in 25 days!! And three days after that, I'm leaving for my trip to Europe! ^___^ It's to Scotland, Ireland, Britain, and Wales, and we'll be there for about 18 days!!
Hahaha, I'm going to need to bring lots of cameras! (maybe 3-4 digital ones...XDDD)
How has everyone been? Hanging in there with school, work, family --- well, life?
I'd love to hear from you guys, unless I'm not the only one who got too busy and abandoned LJ! (T___T)
Guess what?! I recieved an award from a really prestigious college the other night! It's the 2007 Wellesley Book Award, and I basically got it for being really smart and involved in lots of service and activities. The college is a "reach" school for me (because my SAT scores aren't in their average score range), but I really, really like the college! It has every major I could possibly want! But I'm not sure if I should apply or they expect me to; is the award a sign from them that I should apply? O___o
I'd appreciate any advice anyone has on this!
Thanks, and it's great to be back!! (to whine) XD