Apr 25, 2011 20:56
+ranka lee,
she just likes being friendly,
+robert alexander hastings,
+aerith gainsborough,
totally not evaluating you,
just doing her job,
in before nightmare fuel,
atsuko is a loser,
+legato bluesummers,
what is privacy?,
+jilly coppercorn,
hey whats going on here,
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... At any rate. Allow me to... try to explain them...
... So far my dreams have been much of the same things, but with gradually-increasing amounts of detail. There's this... metallic city that features most prominently; it's enormous, easily several dozen times larger than Luceti Valley, and full of what looks like advanced technology... wiring and circuitry and tubing everywhere, but with organics like flowers and trees almost mixed in. It's... strangely beautiful, and I always get the strong feeling of... being there, or having been there, and needing to go back.
There was this particular building too, with an announcer that said "Welcome to the Randi Institute", and... a-and it was calling to me, and I felt like I was supposed to be in it... [Robert's voice hitches a little bit here. He's always wanted to feel like he belongs somewhere.]
... The... s-second part is... m-much stranger...
... I-I dreamed of myself in a place that was... well, it wasn't dark but it was dimmed, and full of other people, including my... f-former partner Benjamin - but he looked different, in many ways - and... a-and I was... injecting myself with needles, with some substance that made my perspective shift - I saw so many colours and heard so many sounds that didn't make sense - but it made me strangely happy except I wasn't, and I kept needing to go back and couldn't stop myself...
[There are no drugs in Luceti, so Robert is struggling to explain something that just doesn't happen.
He sobs slightly, because describing this is getting increasingly difficult.]
A-And... th-the last part...
I-it was like... Luceti Valley, but... violated because everybody was d-different...
I... I didn't know Rupert anymore... a-and... and I remember Donatello saying he did things that he never said or did, and he wasn't my b-brother... And... Vivi was my daughter...
I don't understand... [It's all so very terrifying...]
There w-were other things too, but... m-my memory isn't the greatest for these dreams.
It seems that you're dreaming in a linear fashion. That is, one dream described an A event and the next describes a B event and so on. However, you sound really upset by all of this. The last part where you mentioned the valley being 'violated' - are you talking about from your own perspective, or did everything just appear off to you in a complete manner.
[Calm yourself, Robert.]
... It's upsetting mostly because it seems like all of this did happen, and yet it's impossible...
And, well, everything seemed wrong in the sense that nothing behaved like it should. I... related to people differently, from what I can remember beyond what I described... My relationships with people were different. Even the Valley looked different in some regards... I can't remember the f-farmland, for example.
It's... all very strange.
... V-Vivi was my foster daughter. But Donatello wasn't my b-brother anymore...
... The rest of my family w-wasn't there either. Wh-which didn't really surprise me much, because they... th-they were killed......
[He's never been that close to his family, but the dreams are making it hurt.]
... It's strange...
... But... I'll try to take your advice, Paprika. I know how skilled you are in this field...
[Honestly, though, the hardest thing for Robert to do is take his mind off something.]
[She makes a thoughtful hum. Having dreams about people one has never met, people they barely know and places they never seen.]
It's just another possibility. I hope you don't lose sleep over these dreams.
... I'll try not to, Paprika. I appreciate your advice immensely. But you know I always appreciate anything your family does for me.
[Robert smiles gently at her.]
No problem! I'm always willing to help out a family friend. You just need to ease off and relax a little.
I wish you the best of luck yourself, Paprika... you must have so many clients at this point. To say nothing of the Shift affecting you as well...
Jumbled messes...?
That seems strange, at least in the context of this Shift. Why would it produce garbled dreams...? [It nags at him that if they aren't just dreams, it might explain the garbledness...
Or maybe not?]
Hrm. At any rate, I hope that all goes well...
I'm not sure what it means though, and that's a bit distressing. I can handle it though!
I'm sure that you will come to some sort of conclusion on this whole mess soon enough. [Robert tries to have enough optimism for both of them... though he's never been optimistic.]
[She winks a little and laughs.] It will be I'm sure. They always pass by eventually.
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