New Journal for FOOD!

Jan 06, 2013 01:38

I'm one of those people that will eat somewhere awesome (or awful) and then... yanno... sleep or eat somewhere else or blink or something and then I don't remember what was good, what wasn't, what the name of the place was, etc.

In an effort to keep up with the good, the bad, and the tasty of Colorado and wherever else my travels take me, I've created a food journal.

This will be filled with my brief (or rambly) reviews of restaurants I've tried. These will not be in any way formal or all inclusive or anything. Just my commentary on "I ordered this, it was good".

So if you're interested, here's the journal: travelingfoodie.

It just has stuff for Winter Park, CO right now but I hope to expand that as I go along. There are a few NYC restaurants I can add from memory and then any new restaurants I encounter will hopefully make their way in as well.


food reviews, ramblings

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