Behold, I Got Something Done!

Sep 30, 2008 00:41

Disclaimer: Bleach Rocks. Not mine.

Title: Unspoken Things Heard (Sequel to Shared Look in a Crowded Room)

Author: Zeffyface

Rating: Ehh… PG?

Words: 2400

Dedicated: to Muse, who sent me the BEST B-DAY CARD EVER and then knocked me off my feet by throwing a surprise (and oh-so-yummy) fic in. I am stupidly spoiled. Hope you like dearie!

Notes: This is a sequel, so it may not make sense without the first part.
I swear, this pairing just smacks me out of nowhere, when I’m politely minding my own business. Oh well, ‘tis fun. Please enjoy!

Aaand, fake cut.


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