And Now, a One Shot.

Feb 23, 2008 09:01

DISCLAIMER: Bleach Is Still Not Mine.
Title: Shared Look in a Crowded Room
Author: Zeffyface
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really, if you know who they are you should be fine.
Pairing: Byakuya and Ulquiorra

Words: 2400
Note: Another ‘Just a quick drabble’ that I managed to work myself into a mess over. I’m attempting to use on a domino effect - using the energy from finishing one to knock down the next. This was a challenge - I’ve never so much as thought about writing either of these characters. Hopefully it’s not terribly OOC.

That said, new pairings are still fun to try. I cannot, however, look at this anymore or I’ll rip it to shreds.

With well wishes to Shelagh and Akuni’s new community, hope you guys find some minor amusement out this attempt.

Now I need sleep. And plot. Real plot. *Crawls off to bed and Shink fics*

Go, My Plot Bunnies!


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