ByaHime oneshot!

Oct 23, 2006 01:18

Yay! I'm glad I'm not the only fan! I like many crack couples, but I think ByaHime is my favorite! But anyways, here's a oneshot I just made today! ^_^

Title: Silencer
Pairing(s): Byakuya/Orihime, a little bit of Renji/Rukia
Word Count: 2,081
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Although the Kuchiki residence was usually eerily quiet, ever since Rukia begged her adopted brother to allow Orihime to stay with them, while Rukia helped Orihime train in Soul Society, Byakuya found the atmosphere around his residence take on a rather drastic change."
Warnings: Some spoilers through the current manga arc, a bit AU since I changed one specific event, otherwise I think it's rather clean as opposed to what I usually write.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Bleach. :(
Notes: I also posted this at and

Although the Kuchiki residence was usually eerily quiet, ever since Rukia begged her adopted brother to allow Orihime to stay with them, while Rukia helped Orihime train in Soul Society, Byakuya found the atmosphere around his residence take on a rather drastic change.

While before the servants around the place had it ridiculously easy before, as both Rukia and Byakuya were very tidy people, Byakuya was secretly thankful that they had their work cut out for them with Orihime usually forgetting to clean up after herself. The drawback to having her around though was that things usually weren’t as quiet and peaceful as he was used to. For instance, during the first morning with Orihime around, he had to endure Orihime excitedly telling his sister about the adventures of Bugs Bunny. Byakuya just simply sipped his morning tea a little more hastily than usual and left the house as soon as he could to run errands.

While at the mandatory captain meetings, he would constantly get teased by Kenpachi about Orihime living in his house, as he was the only captain who knew anything about her, not to mention the only one that had the balls to insult him. Byakuya, however, only had to mention Yumichika, and he would glower during the rest of the evening.

After about a week, Byakuya really started to get annoyed by the new girl. Between her untidiness, her constant rants about trivial subjects, her peculiar tastes in food, she was trying even Byakuya’s seemingly unlimited patience. However, his sister wanted her there, so he wasn’t about to kick her out.

While Byakuya was annoyed by Orihime, Orihime found that she was kind of intimidated by Byakuya. Although he rarely ever spoke a word, Orihime got the feeling that he really didn’t want her around. Rukia told her not to worry about him, but she still tried to stay away from him as much as possible. With her kind and outgoing personality though, she was never lonely, as she found it easy to make friends with most of the Shinigami. The Eleventh Division was already fond of her, she also made many friends in the Fourth Division by volunteering when she could, she found Komamura’s fox head completely adorable and became friends with him, and was also already friends with Rangiku and Rukia.

One day though, by complete accident, she walked to the training area to find Renji and Rukia sharing a rather passionate kiss. Blushing madly, Orihime hid herself behind a rock. She was sure that Ichigo and Rukia had something going on, and had since moved on over her crush on Ichigo. But now, she didn’t know what to think! She wasn’t sure if Ichigo and Rukia had since split up, or if she blew things way out of proportion in her head. Orihime blushed even more at the possibility that Rukia was a player and was romantically involved with both Ichigo AND Renji. Rukia, however, had detected Orihime’s spiritual aura and called her out. Bashfully, Rukia admitted that her and Renji were in love, but kept it secret because they were worried about what Byakuya would think of their relationship. With a new goal clear in her mind, Orihime declared that she would help them out. As she cheerfully walked away, both Rukia and Renji wondered if they should have just kept their mouths shut.

A couple of days later, Orihime nervously approached Byakuya. Immediately, she had Byakuya’s full attention, as he was curious to know why she didn’t have her usual cheerful expression. Mumbling a little, she asked Byakuya if it was alright if they invited Renji to one of their dinners. Byakuya had no clue as to why she would have wanted his vice-captain to attend dinner, but he saw no reason to deny her request, with the condition being that she make the dinner. With a giggle, Orihime agreed to the terms and rushed off to invite Renji over.

That night, Orihime shopped around for the ingredients of one of her favorite dishes, which she called “Three Peppered Macaroni”, which called for macaroni, butter, parmesan cheese, salt, garlic pepper, black pepper, and red pepper. As she set down her completed dish in front of Renji, Rukia, and Byakuya, they all gave a weird look, although each had a different reaction to the food. Renji, who hated spicy foods, only took one bite before nearly drowning himself with water to attempt to get the spicy sensation out of his mouth, even with Rukia yelling at him that it only made it worse. Rukia liked the taste initially, but eventually found that it was too spicy for her. Byakuya, however, surprisingly actually loved the dish, as he was a fan of spicy foods.

As everyone settled down though, Orihime glanced over at Renji and Rukia, silently urging them to tell Byakuya about their relationship. Eventually, Rukia took her cue and confessed to Byakuya about it. First, Byakuya glanced over at Renji, who cringed a little. But then, Byakuya stated that he did not dictate Rukia’s whole life, and it was her choice on how to live it. Renji sighed in relief and thanked Byakuya. Afterwards, a long paused filled the room. Not liking complete silence, Orihime spoke up.

“Hey Rukia, did I ever tell you about the episode where Bugs Bunny had to deal with the gremlin on the plane?” Orihime asked, much to Renji’s confusion.

“No, tell me about it!” Rukia exclaimed, and the two girls chatted about the episode, as Renji looked more and more confused.

“What in the heck are they talkin’ about?” Renji asked Byakuya. Byakuya closed his eyes, and Renji took that as a sign that Byakuya didn’t know either.

“Bugs Bunny is a fictional character in the living world, who apparently is very popular there. His enemies include characters such as Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck, and Yosemite Sam.” Byakuya calmly replied. Renji gave him a very weird look, as Byakuya continued to sip his tea.

After that day, Byakuya became a little more tolerant of Orihime and her antics. When he had free time, he would sometimes go by the area in which Rukia would train Orihime and would make comments on how to improve. Although she was confused at first, Orihime came to appreciate his advice the most, as it was usually the advice that helped her the most. Gradually, Orihime grew stronger and stronger with each passing day. What no one knew though, was that a more sinister force was watching her.

From very far away, Aizen was very interested in obtaining the god-like powers of Orihime. He watched her progress everyday, and decided that he needed to get her now, before she grew strong enough to defend herself on her own. He sent Ulquiorra to run that specific errand for him, figuring he could handle it on his own. However, even though Ulquiorra threatened to hurt her friends if she didn’t come with him, he was met with great resistance. Sensing a foreign spiritual force, Komamura, along with Kenpachi managed to drive him away. After that failure, Aizen saw that the only was to get the job done properly was to do it himself.

Invading Soul Society, Aizen managed to take down most opponents with the greatest of ease (even if the captains made him break a sweat). Eventually, the girl came to him, begging with tears to just take her and to quit hurting her friends. With a grin, Aizen accepted her proposal and was about to snatch when a figure stood in his way. Cast in the shadow of the man, Orihime turned her head up to see the back of Byakuya.

“I will not allow you to take this woman with you.” Byakuya coldly stated.

“My, my…why does this look familiar?” Aizen asked with a grin. “Oh yes, I remember now. It was you who so pathetically got pierced by my blade as you protected your ‘sister’. I will not go easy on you, so I advise you to step aside.”

“I will not repeat myself.” Byakuya simply stated.

“Very well then.” Aizen said as he drew out his sword.

Despite Orihime’s pleas, Byakuya took out his sword as well and began battle with Aizen. Helpless, Orihime could only stand and watch the two fight. The grueling battle went on for nearly two hours before both opponents in the fight collapsed on the ground. Quickly summoning her power, Orihime ran over to Byakuya’s side. Feeling his pulse, Orihime teared up as she could barely feel anything. She hastily started to heal him, but she wasn’t sure if she could heal him in time.

“Why? Why did you save me?” Orihime muttered. “If you would have let me go, you would never have gotten this injured!”

“Because…I couldn’t let him take you.” Byakuya stated vaguely. Byakuya then coughed as blood came out of his mouth. Orihime then told him to quit talking, so that he may conserve his strength. Shortly afterwards, Byakuya thanked her, closed his eyes, and stopped breathing. Feeling her heart drop like a brick, Orihime brought her head close to his chest and wept.

Unohana approached her and kindly told her that she and her squad would take care of the rest and to attend to Komamura’s injuries. Wiping her tears away, she agreed and went over to Komamura’s bloody body lying on the ground. Although she managed to heal him, she could not concentrate on her job, as she felt terrible that Byakuya had sacrificed himself for her. However, she tried not to dwell on it, as she knew she had to try to heal everyone else who had also sacrificed themselves to save her. After all, it would be terrible of her not to help the wonderful friends that she had made in Soul Society.

After everything had settled down the next day, a celebration was held to celebrate the defeat of Aizen. Although Orihime did not want to go, she was urged by many to attend the ceremony. Even if her mood was somber at the beginning, as she was still devastated about not being able to heal Byakuya, her mood lightened when Renji proposed to Rukia at the event. The Eleventh Division witnessed the proposal taking place and declared that everyone join them in a booze fest.

With a couple of drinks in her, Orihime lost any traces of sadness she once had and was soon back to her normal self, as she happily chattered about the Power Rangers. Everyone was deeply confused as she talked about how Tommy and Kimberly were the best couple in that series, and how mad she was when Kimberly left the show, but most chose to drown her out. However, Orihime was so loud, that they found they couldn’t.

“God damn…is there a way to shut her up without hurting her feelings?” Ikkaku asked, obviously more than a little annoyed.

“Yes.” A voice said behind him. Startled, Ikkaku turned around. His mouth hung open as he realized who it was.

“Byakuya-taichou?” Ikkaku asked. “I-I thought you were dead?”

“If it were not for her, then I would indeed be dead.” He stated. “She managed to heal my most crucial injuries, and Unohana just healed the rest.”

Ikkaku immediately got out of the way as Byakuya walked past him. Orihime was still talking about each of the Power Rangers’ powers as Byakuya approached her. But what happened next, left everyone absolutely flabbergasted. He grabbed Orihime by the shoulders and before she could fully mutter out his name, he pressed his lips against hers in a lengthy kiss. As promised, Orihime was speechless as well as he pulled away. Turning around, Byakuya paid no attention to everyone’s bewildered face.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have paperwork I must catch up on.” Byakuya simply stated as he cleared his throat. Everyone just stood astounded as Byakuya walked past everyone. Recovering from the kiss, Orihime stood up. She blushed as everyone looked at her.

“Um…I better go see if Byakuya-san needs help with his papers!’ Orihime said as she ran off towards him. Everyone remained silent, still trying to figure out the cause of the sequence of actions they had all just witnessed. Finally, Kenpachi spoke up exactly what they were all thinking.

“Hell must’ve frozen over.”

Content with that explanation, everyone partied until the wee hours of the morning. Elsewhere, Byakuya and Orihime had a little party of their own

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