Hot silence of Portugal;

Apr 30, 2010 00:03

Please, absolute no hotlinking! You don't want to see instead of icons photobucket's banner, do you?
Пожалуйста, абсолютно никаких хотлинков! Вы же не хотите видеть вместо юпиков баннер photobucket-а?

Requested by cteha - Португалия, Лиссабон /португальская природа, побережье, ресторанчики и т.д./

P.s. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I'm really in this kind of coloring at this moment - it inspires me to do new icons and I really enjoy it (if you can't say - it's influence of maestria on me, her works just fascinate me and can't let them go from my head and heart).
BTW, I really wanted to create brand new coloring-psd and here I'm >_>

Hot silence of Portugal;


too hot



too much sun



too much silence

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