Aug 22, 2008 16:20
in the last few weeks...
i was made a fool of, whilst looking pretty at my ex's sisters wedding.
had severe tonsil issues (they will have to come out) i was extremely sick
the antibiotics i was on also did something else to me (that i don't not wish to go into detail about)
i have been in a car accident - that wasn't my fault - but of course it's complicated
soon after my cell phone was stolen, or it's alive and walked away -which means i lost all my phone numbers, but my number is still the same
now in the last three nights, i have slept a total of 6 hours...
school is starting in few days.. i have some cool classes... one writing class the rest are philosophy
if you dont know what im studying, it's print journalism and a minor in philosophy.
that's the gist of my last few weeks.... i'm so excited it's all over.
future plans:
get a two bed room house in pasadena (one room for me -and only me- and the other is going to be a library)
a puppy husky and a baby pot bellied pig - raise them together
have a good writing job
mean while working on my book.
i will continue to have lovely friends and live happily ever after as the weird but fun lady down the street with the cool pets and too many books.