Oh! I forgot one!

Nov 12, 2005 22:59

A very important one, at that!  A rather lengthy AU, set pre-series.  I've talked about this one, discussed it in various people's lj's, and finally come up with a plot with which to frame all the smut (cuz there'll be a heck of a lot.  More porn, I say!).

When Nick comes to Vegas, it's not to work in the crime lab.  In fact, it's not really his idea at all.  But he'll still be under Gil's supervision.  His very close supervision.

Yep.  Slave!Nicky.  An excerpt:

“I understand I have you to thank for this,” Grissom said, and it was the calm in his voice that caught Al’s attention.  There was no way that was genuine, not when his jaw was tensing like that.  He wondered briefly if Gil had ever had problems with TMJ, given that he dealt with stress by gritting his teeth and shouldering through it.

Gil handed a piece of paper over to Al with a short, curt flick of his wrist.  It was clear that he meant for Al to take it right away and begin explaining himself, but Al resisted.

In some ways, Gil was the most balanced, stable person he knew, someone he considered a peer in every possible sense of the term.  In a lot of other ways, he often reminded Al of his fourteen year old son.  It wasn’t fair to say that he ever seemed spoiled, but well…  He certainly was accostomed to having things his own way, and usually that was all well and good.  It just meant that extra patience, and a good strong will, was required when he was digging his heels in.

Al wiped his mouth and wadded up the napkin without so much as glancing at Gil.  Then he found his glasses and slid them into place before accepting the folded papers being offered to him.  He didn’t need to look at them.  Even if Gil had changed out of his tux before charging into the morgue, the timing and Gil’s mood would have told him all he needed to know.  Besides, he’d been expecting this.
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