(no subject)

Nov 02, 2006 14:15

so Pierre has discovered my weakness and is ruthlessly exploiting it. Ow, ow, ow, ow. Lots of French homework this week. Oh well, I definitely need the practice. It was fun though becaus last night he was telling me about how he spent the weekend with Fred in Minneapolis; they had a Halloween party ("it was only the fourth time i've ever carve a pumpkin so it was really stupid looking, but Fred's were so artistic") and how he dressed up as a grandmother ("yeah, i got this old ugly dress, and old clunky shoes, and a cardigan that kind of smelled like cats from the Salvation Army for three dollars!") so that was fun, and then he was like "what did you do over the weekend," and I was like "um, basically i worked on Friday night, took the ACT for the second time and went to work on Saturday, and on Sunday I slept until two in the afternoon and then I got up and had to go to work." Haha. Terribly exciting, I know, but hopefully this weekend will be more fun. Pity I didn't get a chance to see Science des reves while it was the Fargo Theatre, but oh well. I hope Running With Scissors gets here soon!

In other news I need to get cracking on my college essays as well. I don't think I'll be able to go see the Decemberists this year... which really, really sucks because I've heard that this is their best tour yet and I would basically sell my soul to see The Island and the entire Crane Wife cycle played live, though I am luckier than many Decemberists fans because I have heard the holiness that is The Tain. I still dream of it. BUT, maybe something will come up? I hope so. I don't think I work next weekend, and if I do I can get somebody to cover a shift for me. I'll have to talk to my mom and dad again because if they say that I CAN go, I need to get a ticket right quick.

Anyway! I didn't do my Econ homework last night because I am a lazy bum, so I suppose I will go do that now.

I CANNOT GET "Suffer for Fashion" OUT OF MY HEAD.

Also on another Decemberist-related note, I really used to not like The Perfect Crime #2 or When The War Came but they've kind of grown on me like a prog-rock fungus. Yay. ♥

I need a new layout. I'll do that this weekend.

decemberism, pierre, possible concert

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