After much thought, I've decided that the best thing is just to totally put my life into the hands of our benevolent government. Cradle-to-grave, they are the best determiner of everything. How should I be educated? What is important to study? Should I vaccinate? Am I worth having my knee replaced? Do I deserve cardiac or cancer drugs
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Here's some recent Canadian health news that has a different perspective;
Also this;
"We all agree that the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize," [the incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association] said in an interview with The Canadian Press.
I've been paying for my own health care for over twenty years. US health care is not perfect and it is expensive. But I don't think there is a need to screw up my health care to provide expanded medicare. YMMV.
I have ridden along in ambulances in the UK for about twenty hours. Part of that time I spent in A&E departments; part of it I spent talking to practitioners.
At no time did I ever see the sheets changed on the hospital or ambulance cots between patients; of course, the patients weren't that bloody and it costs money to change sheets.
A nurse practitioner I spoke with gloatingly told me that it only took six weeks for her to get an MRI of her arm after a skiing injury due to her placement in the hospital; any patient arriving at any of the four or five hospitals I deliver to would have this care within an hour of arrival regardless of ability to pay.
But these are anecdotes, as well. The bottom line is that I do not believe it is the role of the government to wipe my ass and I bridle at the suggestion that I should pay the government to wipe yours. If you had a medical (or any other) issue and needed (financial or other) help, I would gladly render it to you to the best of my ability. Getting the government involved will not make the process more efficient and will just dilute whatever quality health care that exists in this country.
There's no arguing that taxes are significant in Canada. Their Independence Day is July 1, because it is the first day of the seventh month of the year, pretty much the halfway point. Before then, Canadians say, all of their money went to the government; after July 1, the money they earn is theirs.
Google sez it's a non-emergency procedure to prolong or improve the quality of life. This could be angioplasty, installation of a stent or pacemaker. Biopsies.
Hey, geckospot, you're one of the uninsured now, right? Basically, your small business finally started to earn enough money to kick you off Medicade, but when you tried to purchase insurance privately, you were turned down for your pre-existing conditions, right?
I'd love to hear your opinion on this matter... I know you tend to be a little more conservative on many issues - and pretty common-sense about things! Please, dear gecko, opine for us. :-)
Anyway, that's off-topic and off the cuff.
Doctors ought to be able to do their damned jobs w/out having to worry about the insurance companies. The antibiotics that would have taken care of that large yuckiness I had last year were denied by the ins company so I had to go through 3 other antibiotics to knock the damned thing out. Not MRSA, thank dog, but still pretty damned scary.
Also, with pre-existing conditions or conditions that do develop with age, if you get off insurance they take every chance to tell you that oops, you are uninsurable. I'm back to comparing dr. visits and getting quotes on office visit prices. (Local Lens Crafter partners w/ an eye doc for $89 eye exams. Kay's eye dr charges $139.) Perhaps I should call ER's and clinics so that, in case of emergency, I can choose this one over that one.
Who's gonna pay for all this healthcare? The middle class, they always pay for everything. To get something for nothing you have to be ultra-rich or ultra-poor. As part of the working class poor I do cafefully monitor my health to see if I really need to go to the doctor. Tom is insured and certainly better off financially than I but he is also in one of the highest tax brackets available. And, if push came to shove, he'd shove my stubborn fat ass into a hospital and deal w/ the debt later, so I am very lucky and I know it.
On the topic of preventable illnesses, like type II diabetes, lifestyle changes should definitely be made. My lardass should go out and exercise more and make better food choices. Fortunately, my job allows for lots of exercise whereas the desk jockeys need to be banned from the cake, bagels, cheesesteaks, and doughnuts. Mmm, I think it's lunchtime.
Who's still smoking? Make sure those fools are first in line for the death panels. Got an STD? Just shoot them, abstinence is the cure.
When my dementia firmly takes hold the offspring have been instructed to leave out mommy's meds with a nice big bottle of her favorite bourbon.
I think I've ranted enough. Questions? Comments?
If you take thousand of my dollars and then say sorry, that's not covered, I'm gonna be a little cranky.
This. How is it "insurance" if when you NEED it, it's not there?
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