The Rain: This picture will likely say enough.
Comparison: David Jordan gave me a problem recently about counting points of bounded height in the cantor set. Due to a random conversation with a speaker after a mostly unrelated talk, I think I have solved it. This is one of those nice things that I've always hoped would come of talks - helping to put pieces of random conversations together to create some piece of mathematics.
Also compare this to most other talks I go to, where I don't have too many questions other than "what does that word mean". Well, I've gotten a lot out of asking that question, but this conference has been nice in that I seem to have more questions with content to ask people than I have time to ask them. Which is nice.
I don't really feel like blogging much today: So instead I'll follow suit and put up this awesome picture of the OMD, for those of you who haven't had a chance to meet her yet. There's also some new picts up on my website if you're craving more.
I'm going to go to dinner now and try to find a bit of cell phone reception.