courtney is the coolest dude ever

Oct 02, 2005 19:15

so yea...this is a more elaborate version of jays entry

so im just chillin at home... doin sum homework, when adam ims me and was like, yo wut u like nutin just chillin. so i walk down to his house and were just hangin out and dan and jay come in dans car. so were drivin around and im cravin sum kfc buffalo wings so we go to rose hill and i order the shyt and they come and theyre fuckin nasty as hell. like GROSS-O STYLE. so there are these amdd bad ass 6th graders all decked out in their gangsta clothing and what not. me and dan joked about gettin in a fight with these kids because that would be fuckin awesome. so were just chillin and the hardcore gangstas get up and walk otu. then Mr. Mexican comes back to the door and was like BITCH so i look at dan and dan looks at me and were like lets do this shyt. we walk to the car and the kid goes to jay "go ride ur skateboard home". so i like yo bitch nice fuckin ginny-t and hes like "ur mom thinks so" and im like "real original dickhead" NOTE this is like 200 feet away so were like screaming this stuff. so we hurry to the car to see them still chillin in front of CVS so were like "yo lets do the a drive by with the chicken wings" so i roll down the window and the kids literally run into cvs except for the fat mexican. So hes like the guard dog whos like ugly as fuck...he was rockin the cherry curls and all. so he goes in cvs too so were like...these bitches are gonna get it. so they finally come out and dan drives over, slows down and was like "whats up fellas" and im like "wuts good i hope u like chicken wings" so i launch one and it hits the mexican's kicks (not a good shot). but it was HIS KICKS. so we drive off screaming bitch but dan decides to circle around again for more wing tossing. so this bad ass is chasing the car with a fkin shopping cart and dan keeps screaming "if u hit my car im gonna fuckin get out and whoop ur ass" this kid throws a soda bottle at the car, a full water bottle and an empty box lol. so we drive around and im like "suck my dick and i throw one more wing...totally missed but the kid ran in the other direction...ahhahaahha so then we left rosehill and got stopped at the light in front of rosehill. This is when the kid threw the box @ us. we were driving in the middle of the intersection. then dan starts calling every1 he knew that had an airsoft gun. no1 was home or had it...

funny as hell
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