Jan 13, 2011 02:42
Although, it's getting very very sad. I was trying to comment on something and an ad popped up reminding me I can return to my Livejournal experience after a short advertisement...pathetic.
I work at the post office in North Reading now, my job title is "casual clerk" which meansss, I do exactly what the people who have been there for years, but I get paid a third of what they do, I get no benefits, I get no over time, and I have to work 2 days before and the day of every holiday. Awesome right? either way I have money in my pocket, and I have money in the bank. In the next 2 years they will have more people retiring then they ever have. So I can eventually turn this into a career if I so choose. I don't, but I might.
After driving my cavalier without any mirrors for over 7 months, it died, and I got a new car, and after a week and a half, the drivers side mirror got knocked off while parked on the side of the road in Lowell. I still live in Lowell with Zanti.
I'm still continually in and out of bands, I've been jamming with this kid from Lowell, who is alright, and his roomate who already has a verry good standing, and plays out alot really wants me to play with him alot, either drums or bass or guitar soon, which would be bad ass because he'll pay me.
Thought I'd have more to say, but I guess this is kind of a catch up post. I might start doing the day to day, or week to week shit later.
as for today, I stayed at my parents house in NR last night cause of the blizzard, and driving from Lowell to NR in this weather in a no go in my car. I offered to work today because I was going to be in North Reading anyways, and I figured people would call in because they have to drive in from farther away then me, but this wasn't the case. Everyone showed up, except most of the mail trucks, soo all of the people, half the mail, and free pizza, and since I can't work tomorrow because that would be over time I get the day off, and its going to be a madhouse in there because all the mail that didn't make it today they'll have tomorrow.
too long didn't read? didn't understand? basically I got an easy day today which included free pizza, and tomorrow is going to be insanely busy, and I get the day off and on my day off tomorrow, I'll be bartending at the Knights of Columbus. Where I can play with the Wii down there which has internet and I can download old video games from any console. Anyone have any suggestions? Both people who still read LJ can feel free to answer.
what is tags supposed to mean? (this is