Please respond:
As a perscriptive linguist, if I feel that the irish dialect is the correct way to speak english, am I obligated to speak with that dialect?
Hi everybody, long time no see.
Do you know what I hate? I hate World of Warcraft. I hate FFXI as well.
Videogame Addiction There are better uses of your time. These things include:
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MMORPGs are stupid.
Lots of things produce dopamine by the way, so just because something produces a lot of a neurotransmitter doesn't make it addictive. Any time you feel good, dopamine is likely to be floating around somewhere in your brain. Dopamine is the killer! Sex produces dopamine, so you should stay away from sex too. You, Mike, are a sex addict, I bet you think about it all the time. Probably even every seven seconds, even if you quit now, the urges won't stop. What happens when you can't get your fix? People sometimes stoop so low as con-jobs, manipulation, or even just getting someone drunk at a party, just to get their fix! It's a disease! It causes you to do things you normally wouldn't do! It will make you a monster!
/end sarcasm
I'm sorry you aren't having a good time in analysis? What kind of analysis is it? real?
OTOH, I rock at Topology, which makes up for it to some degree.
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