There have been a few changes to the rules since last round.
One being that the use of stock text (aka "text textures") are no longer permitted. This rule change was supposed to be implemented last round, but... didn't for various reasons.
obaona wrote up a fantastic post on the use of stock text in competitions
The other rule being that I'm going to ask you guys to mix it up each challenge. If you iconned a movie in the previous challenge, you cannot icon a movie this challenge (hypothetically speaking. you're all free to choose whichever category you want with this first challenge). Skipping does reset your available themes and the television and celebrity themes will count as separate themes, if that wasn't obvious.
You must be signed up and eligible to enter the current round.
ENTIRE icon must be black & white. No reds, no greens. Black. White. That's all. No exceptions.
Submit ONE (1) icon.
Icon must fit LJ standards (<= 100x100px; <=40kb; .gif, .png, .jpg/.jpeg)
Animation, blending, textures, stock images, and brushes (among other techniques/resources) are allowed. Bases and stock text are not.
You are NOT required to use the images provided. Feel free to use other images, but please leave a (direct) link to the original cap/pic with your submission. (i.e. if you found it on flickr, link to the
flickr url)
You MUST adhere to (at least) one theme.
You can mix themes but by no means are required or expected to mix them.
ALL icons must remain anonymous until results have been posted.
Please post in a comment to this post in the following format:
ORIGINAL CAP RESOURCE(S): (if applicable)
leave a comment here Movies
Iron Man
True Blood
leavemethewhite &
AllMoviePhotoflickr &
flickr &
flickrSummerskin Due Date: Friday, September 18th @ 10PM
PDTEntered: 24/??