y0u say y0u sh0uld never regret n0thing -> weLl i do0...

Jul 18, 2005 16:49

i kn0e y0u rn't supp0se to regret n0thing y0u do in life cz it's supp0sed to be wut y0u wanted...but i disagre3 i think it was wut i "th0ught" i wanted...cz s0me thingsz did n0thing go0d f0r meh ->
* i regret ever getting in the wr0ng crew @ 0ne pt. & being hardened by them
* i regret staying in an abusive relati0nship !
* i regret g0ing 0ut ever night & partying and never spending time with my family
* i regret drinking and aLl tht buLlshyt...
* i regret letting my grades - dance - and pers0nality go0 0vr stupid shyt
* i regret ever fighting with my m0m & making my h0useh0ld heLl f0r evry0ne
* i regret seLling aLl my fwendz 0ut...tht truly cared f0r meh
* i regret being mean & heartlesz to0 nice ppL
* i regret ever saying anything being mean to0 any0ne 0r saying shyt b0ut them "im d0ne having c0nflictz with ppL & talkin shyt" if u wana talk b0ut s0me0ne d0nt c0me to me...
* i regret c0ming 0ff as sn0tty & bitchy to0 ppL
* i regret being disrespectfuL to my teacherz
* i regret n0t staying with the 0ne b0y wh0 pr0bably actually cared f0r meh and w0uld have made me happy
* i regret staying with ppL wh0 0nly wanted me f0r 0ne soul purp0se...
* i regret letting b0iz degrade meh
* i regret bec0ming sumpthin 0ther than the sweet, inn0cent, never w0uld yeLl at any0ne brittany...
* i regret wasting my time 0n ppL
* i regret trying to be hard...and fighting ppL

yah so0 th0se r s0me thingz i regret...ive changed al0t 0f thingz and have bec0me the pers0n i 0nce was...im tired 0f being s0me0ne else - n0t meh! so0 watch 0ut ppL next yr, SWEET INN0CENT BRITTANY is back..." i t0ld y0u i'd be seeing y0u " -> n-e wayz 2day i just bummed & layed in the sun with my mama! & 2m0rr0e i think i may be3 chiLlin with l0r...and i als0 have cheerin this wk...yay! ..<33 c0mment if y0u want * l0ve to every0ne =]
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