I'm still in studying hell (fingers crossed on Saturday, please!) but concert schedules have their own rhythm. I don't remember that much from the one on Monday, but that is mostly because I was fading with blood pressure swings. I hope they didn't think I was asleep ~.~ I did notice that Jakub had new photos in the background slideshow - including ones from the Oberhausen concert where they let him
open the second act as Phantom. I just about fell over when I saw that part!
(It did feature the one and only Wenn Liebe in Dir Ist as a Sarah-Herbert duet, because our second Alfred skipped out at the last moment and Sarah was in the audience anyway.)
Other people's clips:
One Song Glory - I do like the take on the song.
Till I Hear You Sing Once More - ...yes, you're one of my favourite Phantoms, stop making me interested in Paint Never Dries!
And that goes double for you, dear girl.
I Dreamed a Dream - EDYTA ♥
A Heart Full of Love - driving home the point that he should have been in Les Mis.
And the greatest surprise: the ushers/stagehands, a pair of complete newcomers, looking both all of 16, and
bringing the house down with Boote in der Nacht. Go kids!