I totally should post something Star Wars related, except for the fact that I didn't realise posting my info in
imadra_blue's friending meme would lead to people actually friending me. So. Um. Probably not the right moment to mention the fact I haven't touched Star Wars with a ten foot pole in a long while
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You'll manage to write at home. Just let the muses catch you in the right mood.
Writing Dooku now for some reason, mostly because von Krolock is still gathering resolve to face a very unpleasant situation I want to put him in. Which is rather hypocritical of him, since he's not the one dying of having his guts ripped out in this fic...
(And sounds just like Anakin.)
If he's doing the ripping, then I can understand the reluctance. Those stains are so hard to get out of clothing.
Nope. All he has to do in the fic is listen, and then munch on someone. Not my fault that he decided to have existential angst over vampirising his son at said son's firm request...
And well, it's a good moment to go into existential angst...
Herbert's rather annoyed, since he's the one bleeding all over the bed while dad is frozen at the door to the inn. I can relate to his irritation, really.
Ah. I imagine I'd be slightly impatient in that case as well. So he'd better get over his existential angst quickly before Herbert gets really upset?
Herbert says that he can always start with the gruesome sound effects to provide motivation, but he'd rather not. It's undignified.
*pets Herbert* And dignity is everything, of course.
squee!1 on all counts.
*prepares bunny-smashing mallet just in case*
*sics Herbert and Gerald on the plotbunnies, with Dooku as lightsaber-wielding backup*
See, I don't ever logically think that people catch bunnies as readily as me, but yay! You do!
BTW, what colour lightsaber would Damien have? Gerald scoffed at red and went with pure Gary Stu white, but I'm stuck for Damien's weapon.
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